Blake Moore

Sep 27, 2019, 11:20 AM by User Not Found

Blake Moore ’18, recently returned to his alma mater as an admissions counselor. Learn more about his life after graduation and why he’s excited to once again call North Manchester his home.

“What drew you to Manchester as a student?”

“When I first considered college, one of my primary choices was Ball State University. My parents were both alumni and most students in my area chose BSU to further their education, so it seemed like the obvious choice for me. I went to campus with my father for an official visit, and during our tour, we approached the main intersection between class periods during lunchtime. It felt like there were five or six thousand people crossing the intersection – cars everywhere, people trying to run to lunch or class – I looked at my father and said, ‘I can’t do this. This is too big for me.’ After that, I started looking at smaller schools and Manchester happened to be one. I reached out for more information and I heard back right away, so I knew that they wanted me. I came to campus, and it instantly felt like home.”

“What advice would you give to a prospective student considering Manchester?”

“Make sure you get involved, whether that’s in community service, athletics or club life. Manchester is a place where you can make your own experience. You have the opportunity to do with it what you want. Students who sit around in their dorm room don’t get the full college experience, and they may not feel connected to the University. For those who are heavily involved, they feel connected to different people and get to experience the whole reason that higher education exists!”

“What do you love about being an admissions counselor at Manchester?”

“I love interacting with future students and being able to tell my story about Manchester. Being able to share my experience and my passion for Manchester University with students is vital to their decision. They also want to hear success stories that have come out of the university. I think we, as admissions counselors, are not only ambassadors of the university, but we’re also educators for students as they look for the right college for them.”

“Are you excited to call North Manchester home, again?”

“Yes! North Manchester is similar to where I grew up. It is a tight, small-town community, and everyone within the area is interconnected. The University and the town also have a special connection – community members are welcoming to our students, and our University continually gives back to North Manchester through community service. Looking back on my college search, the community and campus were the most important factors in a school for me.

“What advice would you give to a student graduating from Manchester in May?”

“Always be willing to look at different possibilities and know that there are options in your life that you had never considered. I always wanted to grow up and work in college athletics, but I quickly realized, after being at my prior job in Ohio, that it didn’t quite fit who I was as a person. However, working in a higher education outside of athletics was a better fit. Students should realize that once you leave college, it doesn’t necessarily matter what your degree is in, because there are a number of possibilities available that you had never considered or never even thought about! You should be willing to take a leap of faith. If you feel like you’re in a situation where you feel it’s time for a change, sometimes it is. You need to be able to listen to your heart and make that change when it feels appropriate.”

“What’s something most people don’t know about you?”

A lot of people don’t know that I have played the piano for 13 years, so I love classical music. I started when I was 10, and I still enjoy playing. It’s something I enjoy whether it’s just for myself or to play for an audience.