Genesis Malin

Dec 16, 2019, 16:49 PM by User Not Found

Genesis Malin, a junior psychology and criminal justice double major with a sociology minor, shares her career goals after graduation.

What brought you to Manchester?”

“I just felt at home right away. Everyone was really friendly and talking to everyone − it felt like they already knew me even though they didn’t. Plus, I received a really nice scholarship, which helps me save money to go home to Ohio and visit family.” 

What is your favorite part about Manchester?”

“I would say it’s the connections that I have, not only with other students, but with faculty and staff as well. I think when a lot of people think of college, they think of their friends who they’re close with, but I’m really close with professors who aren’t even in my major. I’m also close with a lot of staff members. I started working part-time in admissions this past summer, and Jake Huffman, the associate director for operations, was with me constantly, and he would come in and visit me at my other jobs, so now I call him my adult best friend.”

 “What else are you involved with on campus?”

“I work in First Year Experience as an orientation assistant, which is an intern level position. I also work for counseling services as a Spartan Choices peer educator, for admissions as a Spartan ambassador, and in tutoring services as the Communications 110 tutor. I also work at New Market in town, and I’m a soccer coach for the rec team in town. For on-campus extracurricular, I’m a social media influencer, the social services club social media coordinator and the psychology society secretary.”

What’s your favorite thing you’re involved with?”

“I really do enjoy being an orientation assistant on campus. Through that job I help create programming for the first-year students coming in− so over the summer we plan Orientation Days, Welcome Week and things that impact first-years when they come to campus. I really like being able to have that impact on incoming students because my first week impacted me a lot − it’s what made me feel at home here. I like to try to give others that experience and make sure that we are being as welcoming to them as I was treated when I came here.”

“What do you like about your majors?”

“I like the in-depth learning that I get with both my psychology and criminal justice majors. The faculty are great about tying in current events to the material we are covering in class. It gives me a better understanding of the concepts and how they apply to real life.”

“What do you hope to do after graduation?”

“I hope to be a re-entry counselor in an adult prison, or a counselor in a juvenile prison. I want to help set people up for success in their future lives and to help them get in a positive mindset.”