Sefunmi Babatunde

Oct 8, 2021, 08:26 AM by User Not Found

Tell us about your background and why you decided to attend Manchester?

 I was born in Nigeria, and I’ve lived in Indiana for about 10 years now. I went to a very small high school in Indianapolis where I felt very comfortable. I felt like if I wanted to succeed and be ready for the world after college, I needed to attend a smaller university, like my high school, where I would receive the attention similar to what I had in high school. Although there are many options of small colleges to attend, I fell in love with the Manchester community and chose here.

You’re a part of the MU Honors Program. What encouraged you to be a member of the program?

I really felt like my goals for succeeding in college fell in line with the mission statement and goals of the Honors Program. I was part of an honors society in high school so I was accustomed to the requirements needed to maintain membership in programs like this. However, the one difference I noticed from the high school honors program to the Honors Program here at Manchester is the sense of community we have with one another. It feels like we are all working together to ensure we all succeed.


As a biology-chemistry major, what are your next steps after graduating?

I plan on continuing my education after graduation by going to medical school.


What advantages has the Honors Program brought you?

The main advantage I've received is the way that the Honors Program forces me to constantly grow. It may seem that, as an educationally motivated program, you may only find growth in aspects of your education, however, I’ve seen myself grow in a multitude of ways because I am constantly surrounded by people who are aiming for incredibly high goals.


What advice can you share for other Honors Program students?

The best advice I can give any fellow Honors Program student is that you shouldn’t be scared to step out of your comfort zone. You are presented with a whole new world of possibilities by simply choosing to be part of this program, and you must take advantage of it.