Colleen Caylor

Feb 7, 2022, 08:54 AM by User Not Found

Why did you choose Manchester University? 
I had my reservations about Manchester before coming here. I assumed it was a small, boring school in a town with nothing to do. Once I came for my tour, I knew immediately that it felt like home. I could sense that the community was strong here and I would fit in. I knew I wanted to be part of the community here on campus.  


What factors led you to double major, and how do you think your majors will correlate with one another? 
Coming into college, I only had a basic idea of what I wanted to do. I was thinking it would be something in conservation or ecology, but I didn’t know for sure. I chose biology and environmental science because that gives me more skills in different areas than just one degree. I thought that would leave me with more career options. In addition, the majors themselves are similar enough that some classes overlap. That way, I’m not too overwhelmed.  

How do you plan to use these degrees in the future? 
Honestly, I don’t know. I assume I’ll go to grad school and become a researcher or a field scientist. Before I committed to Manchester, I was honest about my career uncertainty, and the school made it clear that I would have opportunities, such as research and internships, that would help me find a career path. 

What clubs or organizations have you joined on campus?  
I am involved in women’s golf, the Honors Program, American Chemical Society, TriBeta, Environmental Club, Kenapocomoco Peace Coalition, Psych Society, Students Today Alumni Tomorrow, Spartan Ambassadors, and I am a founding member of Zoology Club.  

Can you tell us about your favorite memory related to one of your majors?
In this semester’s biology lab, I was able to conduct my own research on campus regarding soil health in different areas. It means a lot to me that I was given the independence to explore an issue important to me and gain research experience at the same time.