Sydney Dillmon

Apr 11, 2022, 12:54 PM by User Not Found
What led you to Manchester University?  
I wanted to go to a smaller school that wasn’t too close to home, but I was having trouble finding a school that was the right fit for me. I have been traveling to Pierceton, Ind., which is about 30 minutes north of Manchester University, for most of my life and have driven past the University, but it never caught my eye until I was applying to colleges. When I finally took a tour here, I instantly felt at home and welcomed. The campus is very small and connected, which is what I like because I am from a very small, rural area. Everyone knows just about everyone here, and I saw that even on my tour.  

Could you tell us the process of you deciding to major in psychology?  
From a very young age, I have loved to listen to people and try to help them through things they may be going through. I decided sometime last year that that is what I wanted to major in and do for the rest of my life. I want to help people.  

How do you plan to use this degree in the future?  
My dream career path would be to become a behavioral analyst for criminals. I want to be able to talk and analyze criminals to find out why they make the decisions that they do and find out what is the best option to help them improve.  

Can you share what you're involved with on campus?  
I am involved in a few things around campus including being a member of the Honors Program, USG (United Sexualities and Genders), Zoology Club, Psych Society, being a Spartan Ambassador, and I am also on the Women's Golf Team here at Manchester! 

What would you say to a student who is considering Manchester University? 
Manchester University is a great community, even though it is small – that is what is so great about it. People are always reaching out to make sure that you are doing good and ask if you need help with anything. I would highly suggest getting involved on campus whether it is in a club, a sport, band or choir, or just hanging out and making new friends.