Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year and hometown.
My name is Evangelina Vega (she/her), and I’m from Winona Lake, Ind. I’m currently a senior and working toward a degree in social work!
What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)
In January 2024, I will start my internship at Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana.
Why did you choose Manchester University?
Just before receiving my associate degree in human services at Ivy Tech, I knew I wanted to continue my academic journey and work toward obtaining my bachelor's degree in social work. While exploring the Manchester University website, I was drawn to the mission statement and all that the Social Work Program had to offer. I started my admissions application immediately! After my campus tour, I was positive that Manchester was the right place for me. The campus felt like home.
What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?
I love that I’m able to take classes that are outside of my major. It was amazing having the opportunity to take a piano class with Professor Pamela Haynes!
What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?
Following graduation, I hope to get accepted into graduate school and obtain my master's degree.
Who is your favorite professor and why?
Such a tricky question to answer! I have had incredible experiences and grown with the help of multiple professors.
What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?
Art and Life with Professor Diesburg!
What is your biggest accomplishment?
Returning to school 13 years after my high school graduation! It is never too late.
Who is someone you’ve never met but has been influential in your life and why?
Poet and author Rupi Kaur. Her work touches on various topics such as love, loss, trauma, healing and everything else that comes in between. Reading her poems always provides me with comfort, especially on stressful days.
Give us a fun fact about yourself!
I have an identical twin sister.
What is your favorite Manchester memory?
The junior social work Chicago trip with Barb Burdge and Dr. Dailey! I got the chance to get to know my classmates off campus. We also had the opportunity to visit various impactful social service agencies in Chicago. It was a great mix of food, laughter, exploring and learning. This trip is one I'll never forget!