My Manchester Students

Kyla Andrews

by User Not Found | Sep 28, 2022

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Kyla Andrews, my pronouns are she/hers, I am a junior (class of 2024), and I am from South Bend, IN.

What are you involved in on campus?

I have two jobs on campus (multicultural affairs programmer and student outreach specialist). I am a treasurer of A Cappella Choir and Disney Club.

Why did you choose Manchester University?

I wanted a place that would feel like home and would give me the opportunities that I wouldn’t always get at a large institution.

What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

I enjoy the people and the classes the most. I enjoy meeting and connecting with my professors!

What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

I see myself in Lafayette, IN or somewhere in Michigan at a marketing or media-based job working with a company I believe in. 

Who is your favorite professor you have had?

My all-time favorite professor is Ejenobo Oke. She is so inspiring and creative. She supports all people and is one of the only professors I feel like I could comfortably talk about anything with!

What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

My favorite class so far is Ceramics. I am only a month into the class, but it has opened so many mental doors for me!

What’s a Manchester bucket list item you’d like to check off?

I want to design something that will stay permanently with Manchester. 

What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

I always tell students to take their time, sign up for anything that piques their interest, and take time for yourself to destress!