My Manchester Students

Rahmon "RJ" James

by User Not Found | Feb 06, 2023

Tell us about yourself!

I am Rahmon James (RJ) and my pronouns are he/him/his. I am a senior majoring in business management from South Bend, IN. 

What are you involved in on campus?

I am a student ambassador for the College of Business.

Why did you choose Manchester University?

Manchester reminded me of my hometown: very small, everything close together, and not far from each other. Manchester showed so much love to me since my visit here back in 2019. I thought “why not?” and coming from where I’m from, it is extremely hard to find motivation other than just sports. I had two knee surgeries before I looked at colleges and was unable to take the SAT test. I saw Manchester was a test-optional school and that was another sign to choose this university. 

What is your favorite thing about Manchester?

Being so close to everything, making friends, and being able to experience new classes in areas you haven’t explored before. 

What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

I see myself being a Sales Representative at TQL (Total Quality Logistics) and a personal trainer. 

Who is your favorite professor you have had?

My favorite professors have been Messer, Ogden, and McGrady.

What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

My favorite class was Introduction to Social Work.

What’s a Manchester bucket list item you’d like to check off?

I want to participate in May Day activities!

What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

Stay true to yourself and know that some things don’t happen overnight. It is okay to fail!

What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?

I’m flexible! It may seem weird after having three knee surgeries because you wouldn’t expect me to be flexible. 

What is your favorite Manchester memory?

Hanging with my bros and being able to create a bond with them!