My Manchester Students

Cole Nugent

by User Not Found | Feb 16, 2023

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Cole Nugent (He/Him), I am majoring in Accounting and Finance, and I am from Westport, IN.

What are you involved in on campus?

I am the Vice President of MAC as well as the student representative of the VIA Committee!

Why did you choose Manchester University?

I chose Manchester because I started my college journey looking to gain a pharmacy degree, however, once I realized that was not my true passion, I found a home in the Gilbert College of Business!

What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

After Manchester, I plan to go into the residential accounting department of Thompson Thrift Development!

Who is your favorite professor you have had?

It's a tie between Dean Twomey and Jen Lutz! 

What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?

Don't be afraid to make mistakes! College is the safest place to find ourselves and make mistakes. The amazing resources at Manchester are going to be able to guide and help you in any way possible!