My Manchester Students

Diana Nettleton

by User Not Found | Feb 20, 2023

It was a warm August day in 1989 when my Manchester journey began. I am from the very small town of Talma, Ind. I was pretty sure that I did not want to go to a large college – after all, I would probably get lost. I knew I wanted to be an elementary school teacher and needed a degree to have that career.


It was here that I began a journey to being a teacher – a teacher who is equipped to change the world! In my very first semester of college, I was in the classroom! Manchester gave me teaching experience and room to grow my talents throughout my undergraduate journey. I keep using the word journey because that was what the Manchester experience was for me, a journey in my career choice and my personal life too.


I met my future husband, Matt, here at Manchester. We decided to live in North Manchester largely because of the small-town culture filled with entire-world experiences. My journey led me to Manchester College, and I am who I am in large part because of that warm day in August 1989.