My Manchester Students

Andrew Forte

by Kaitlyn Estep | Jun 19, 2023

How did you become interested in pharmacy and, specifically, Manchester’s program?

I had never thought about a career in health care prior to my senior year of high school, when I began an internship at my local Walgreens. Going from intern to technician, and watching the pharmacists teach patients on a daily basis, showed me how much I enjoy helping people learn. It was not long into my time at Walgreens that I decided to change my direction from mechanical engineering to pre-pharmacy. The pharmacist I worked with the most also had ties to Manchester’s Pharmacy Program, and his respect for this university told me everything I needed to know. I was confident in the decision to come to Manchester, so much so that I only applied here. Some may say that was a risky decision, which it may have been, but I do not regret it. 


Do you know what area of pharmacy you would like to work in?

I loved my time in the hospital during IPPE 2, so I initially set my sights on residency. Since then, some plans have changed, and I am no longer pursuing residency immediately after graduation; however, I am still looking for a position that carries similar aspects. 


What advice do you have for incoming pharmacy students?

Truly take in all the information thrown at you during your first year regarding student organizations and events and pick one area to devote your time. Having that involvement is beneficial in many ways, including building relationships with professors and classmates and learning about the various opportunities available to you during school and after graduation. This advice comes from my own lack of involvement as a P1, partially due to COVID, and I wonder how many missed experiences were out there. 


What do you do in your spare time? 

For most of my life, I have been fascinated with guitar and metal music, and for the past eight years, I have been working on becoming the best guitarist I can be. It has become my favorite hobby, and I have spent a lot of time with it, even in pharmacy school. Some more advice to the new students, do not let the things you love about life slip away while you are in school. If you keep yourself busy with school and other important things in life, you can maintain your sanity and love for Manchester.