My Manchester Students

Samantha Ziemniak

by Kaitlyn Estep | Aug 29, 2023

How did you become interested in pharmacy, specifically Manchester's program?

When I was in 8th grade, we had time to research potential careers to get us thinking about our future. I wasn't sure what I wanted to be; I just knew I wanted to be in the medical field. During that time, I considered my options and recalled all the trips to the local Walgreens to pick up my dad's medicine or get an over-the-counter item. I remember how friendly the pharmacist was and the impact he had; I wanted to be just like him and help people like he helped our family. Before attending pharmacy school, I pursued my bachelor's degree at Manchester and thoroughly enjoyed the experience here. The small class sizes enhanced the learning experience, and the faculty/staff were always willing to do whatever it took to help you succeed.


What advice do you have for incoming pharmacy students?

Take advantage of networking opportunities when they are presented to you! Network with fellow students, professors, and professionals in the field. Pharmacy is a tight knit community, and you will appreciate these connections later on.


What do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy spending as much time outdoors as possible, whether it's playing tennis, kayaking, or going for walks!


Any additional comments:

Pharmacy school is a graduate program for a reason, so it is challenging but not impossible! While studying is important, don't forget to make time for yourself and prioritize your mental health; it is just as crucial. Striking a healthy school-life balance will set you up for success.