My Manchester Students

Cheyenne Collier

by Kaitlyn Estep | Oct 24, 2023

Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year, and hometown.

Hi, my name is Cheyeene Collier! My pronouns are she/they and I’m from Cutler, Indiana. I’m a first year at MU and working towards a degree in choral music education!


What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

I’m a part of a couple of clubs here on campus. I’m a member of the United Sexuality and Genders club, the Theatre Society, Pagans of Manchester and Aspiring Educators of Manchester. I also work as a Spartan Ambassador for the Office of Admissions.


Why did you choose Manchester University?
I chose Manchester because from the moment I set foot on campus, it felt like home. The welcoming atmosphere made me feel secure, and the genuine kindness and friendliness of everyone I met was truly remarkable.


What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?
My favorite thing about Manchester is the people. Everyone here goes out of their way to be kind to one another, whether it's holding the door for others or simply exchanging smiles as they pass.


What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?
I see myself becoming a choir director after I graduate from Manchester. I can envision myself in a classroom setting, teaching middle and high school students how to sing.


Who is your favorite professor and why?
My favorite professor is Scott Humphries because he's highly personable and willing to listen and engage with his students. He genuinely cares for his students and is dedicated to our success. Most importantly, he’s not afraid to be himself!


What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?
My favorite classes so far have been IPA and English Dictation.


What advice would you give to an incoming Manchester student?
Don't be afraid to stand out! Be your true, authentic self. Make the most of these years and please, make friends. They can help you along the way, and you never know who's going to be your long-term, forever people.


What is something someone wouldn't know just by looking at you?
That I know how to somewhat speak three different languages other than English. I also know how to sing a song just by hearing it once.


What is your favorite Manchester memory?

One of my favorite Manchester memories is when I went to see the Manchester Symphony Orchestra. The music they played was just so beautiful and watching them was a real treat. It took my breath away!