My Manchester Students

Megan Sarber

by Kaitlyn Estep | Nov 01, 2023

Tell us about yourself.

I’m a 2007 graduate with a degree in communication studies. I grew up in the Church of the Brethren and my mother is an alum of MU, but I wasn’t convinced at first to attend MU. I transferred to Manchester my sophomore year when I decided to run cross county for the Spartans. I met my future husband, Jody, on the team and we’ve been married 15 years this fall. We have two daughters, Emersyn (12) and Ainsley (10). I enjoy attending my children’s activities and rehabbing our 1880’s home. We love living in North Manchester and raising our family in this community.


Tell us about your time at Manchester.

I’ve worked at Manchester for a total of 10 years. I’ve been a development officer (1 year) manager of donor relations (7.5 years) and am currently the Director of Alumni Relations (1.5 years). A typical day for me includes collaborating with other departments across campus and planning events to engage with our alumni and keep them connected to us and with each other.


What is your favorite alumni event?

Homecoming is probably my favorite event. It is such a fun filled day. Everyone is smiling and reminiscing about their time at Manchester. I love seeing alumni bring their kids and families to show off campus. They’re so proud—as they should be!


What is your favorite Manchester tradition?

The ringing of the Chime. To hear it in the mornings, walking into work, reminds me of the new day I’m about to face. And when I hear it in the evenings, a vivid memory of my friends and I walking across the mall every day after dinner back to Helman Hall just laughing, brings a smile to my face.