My Manchester Students

Braden Unruh

by Kaitlyn Estep | Jan 10, 2024

Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year and hometown.

My name is Braden Unruh (he/him) and I’m from Bremen, Ind. This is my first year at MU and I’m working toward a major in software engineering and instrumental performance!


What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

I’m involved in quite a lot around campus. I’m a member of the Spartan Pride Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Black and Gold Attack, MU Symphonic Band, Kenapocomoco Peace Coalition, Simply Brethren, Theatre Society and the Honors Program. On top of that, I work as a Cordier crew member, a chime ringer and a web assistant through Manchester’s marketing department.


What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

I’m thinking about attending grad school to study instrumental performance at a higher level. If not, I’ll enter the workforce with my software engineering degree and still try to perform in my free time.


Who is your favorite professor and why?

Justin Lasser is high on my list of favorite professors. Although this is the first class I've ever taken with him, his approach to theology is fascinating, and his dog, Ben, always makes his classes a little brighter.


What is your happy place and why? 

My happy place on campus is Petersime Chapel. Usually there aren’t many people in the chapel at one time, so if I ever need to be alone, I can always trust the chapel to be empty and have a big space that allows me to think.


What's an item on your "bucket list" and why?

I want to visit Alaska! I think Alaska is the closest place in the United States where I can connect with nature the most.