My Manchester Students

Joshua Adler

by Kaitlyn Estep | Jan 23, 2024

Tell us your name, pronouns, major, year and hometown.

Hi, my name is Joshua Adler (he/him) and I’m from Dayton, Ohio. I’m a peace studies and music performance major. On top of that I’m working towards minors in communications and religion!


What are you involved in at Manchester? (campus jobs, internships, sports, clubs, etc.)

I do a lot around campus! I’m a member of the Spartan Pride Marching Band, Jazz Band, A Cappella Choir, Handbells Choir and Chamber Singers Choir. I’m also apart of Kenepocomoco Peace Coalition, Simple Brethren, Chapel Check-In and intramural volleyball!


Why did you choose Manchester University?

I chose Manchester University because of the opportunities. Beyond earning a degree, Manchester offers unique experiences such as global travel, exclusive clubs unique to MU, personal connections with staff and faculty and the chance to form incredible friendships.


What is your favorite thing about Manchester University?

My favorite aspect of Manchester University is undoubtedly the people. I cherish the connections I've built, appreciate how all my professors not only know my name but also greet me around campus. I will never take for granted the welcoming nature of the Manchester community. I haven’t once felt homesick because Manchester University is my home away from home!


What do you see yourself doing after Manchester?

My current plan after MU is to directly pursue my master's at Bethany Seminary, although the specific field is still uncertain. I hope that my future career will incorporate music and service work in some capacity. I am confident that the skills and experience I am gaining here at Manchester are already preparing me for whatever lies ahead!


What is your favorite class you have taken at Manchester?

I have thoroughly enjoyed my Introduction to Communication class with Professor Mertons. This class is actively equipping me with skills that I know will benefit me in every other class I take and in life in general. I appreciate the well-structured nature of the class, and the discussions I've had with my peers have been amazing.


What is your biggest accomplishment?

My biggest accomplishment so far has probably been playing with Professor Tim Reed at an alumni event. I had the opportunity to play bass while Professor Reed played the piano, performing jazz standards like 'Autumn Leaves' and 'Take the a Train.’


Who is someone you’ve never met but has been influential in your life and why?

An individual I have never met but who has been influential in my life is Ted Studebaker. Mr. Studebaker was a Manchester graduate who served as a conscientious objector in the Vietnam War, was influential in the Church of the Brethren, and whose story has inspired me in many ways. I am proud to follow in Mr. Studebaker’s footsteps here at Manchester.


What is your favorite Manchester memory?

Although it is hard to pick just one, I believe that, so far, my favorite memory has been getting to travel to the Colts game with the school—completely free of charge—and spending time with new friends while watching a sport I know nothing about. Manchester, to me, is all about taking advantage of opportunities, and that experience is one I will never forget!