Manchester University



Jeanine Wine & Haley Steinhilber
Jeanine Wine with student worker Haley Steinhilber

Jeanine Wine


Monday and Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Wed. 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
By appointment

Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection

Written Histories of Manchester University

Bodenmiller, Beckie. "L.D. Ikenberry Former V.P. and Treasurer." Oak Leaves 50:3 (3 October
      1963): 2, 7.

"College Celebrates 75 Years." Oak Leaves 50:3 (3 October 1963): 3-7.

"Early Historical Notes of Manchester University." Manchester University Written Histories Collection,
MC2003/125, Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Funderburg Library, Manchester
      College, North Manchester, Indiana.

"Edward Kintner, Veteran MC Prof." Oak Leaves 50:4 (3 October 1963): 3.

"Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Manchester University." Aurora. 1996 ed. p.12.

Faw, Peggy. "Now and Then...A Montage of Yesteryear." Oak Leaves 47:4 (6 October 1960):
      2. 47:5 (13 October 1960): 1. 47:7 (27 October 1960): 2. 47:8 (3 November 1960): 2.
      47:9 (10 November 1960): 2.

Frantz, Ira, ed. Manchester University: The First Seventy-Five Years. Elgin, Ill: The Brethren Press,

Garver, Dean Earl S. "Manchester of the 1960's." Manchester University Written Histories
, MC2003/125, Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Funderburg Library,
      Manchester University, North Manchester, Indiana.

"Historical Sketch of Manchester University." Aurora. 1910 ed. p.20.

Jones, Timothy K. Manchester University: A Century of Faith, Learning, and Service. North
     Manchester, Ind: Manchester University, 1989.

"Manchester Campus." Gospel Messenger v.94:25 (23 June 1945): 5.

"Manchester University: A Brief History of the Institution and How It is Conducted." Manchester
      College Written Histories Collection
, MC2003/125, Archives and Brethren Historical
      Collection, Funderburg Library, Manchester University, North Manchester, Indiana.

"Otho Winger 1911-1941." Oak Leaves 50:4 (3 October 1963): 2.

Schwalm, Vernon F. and Elizabeth Postma. "A Brief Quarter Centenary History of Manchester
      College." Aurora: Quarter Centenary Number, 1895-1920. Warsaw, Ind.: Reub. Williams &
      Sons, 1920. 7-74.

Shultz, L.W. "Manchester's Campus Was Site of Pottawattomie Camp." Oak Leaves 50:3 (3
      October 1963): 2.

Winger, Otho. Memories of Manchester. Elgin, Ill: The Elgin Press, 1940.

Last updated 30 June 2005

Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000