Topic | Accession # | Description Summary |
Basketball, Womens: Alumni Game 1991 | MU2013/64 | VHS and digitized footage of Alumni Game, 9 November 1991, Women's Basketball. Introduction of the Betty Clarke Memorial Award. |
Clarke, John Henrik: Presentation | MU2013/123a | Some considered Clarke to be one of America's most courageous scholars, reconstructing a new history of the world. Professor, historian, author, critic, traveler, developer of the African Studies Center at the New School for Social Research - John Henrik Clarke spoke at Manchester College. |
Convocation #140 Clarke, James | MU2014/95 wave sound | Jim Clark presents a Senior Series Convocation on 19 November 1982. |
Convocation List 1968 - 2008: Recordings | Convocation List of Recordings | A listing of Convocation cassette tapes and recordings. Some of these recordings have been digitized but this list does not reflect this information . |
Forensics | MC2001/110 | Detailed description of two Forensics boxes filled with materials. Included are newspaper articles, scrapbook, manuscripts from oratorical contests written by MC students: Fujii, Butler, Thomas, Childs, Dye, Mendenhall, Hoffman...and much, much more. |
Student Government: Student Council Minutes, 1948 - 1949 | MC2009/19 | Student Council: Minutes 1948 - 1949. |