Yearbooks and publications from other Church of the Brethren colleges. MC2011/96a: Orange Blossom, La Verne College, 1921. MC2011/96b: Conestoga, Elizabethtown College, 1959. MC2011/96c: McPherson College, Annual Catalogue, 1901-1902. MC2011/96d and e: M.C. Spirit, McPherson College (yearbook), 1917. MC2011/96f: The Quadrangle, McPherson College (yearbook), 1927. MC2011/96g: The Quadrangle, McPherson College (yearbook), 1929. MC2011/96h: The Quadrangle, McPherson College (yearbook), 1930. MC2011/96i: The Quadrangle, McPherson College,1931 (marked Schwalm's...Manchester College President Schwalm came to Manchester from McPherson College). MC2011/96j and k: The Quadrangle, McPherson College,1935. MC2011/96L: The Quadrangle, McPherson College,(1887 - 1937). 50 year issue. MC2011/96m and n: The Quadrangle, McPherson College,1940. MC2011/96o: The Quadrangle, McPherson College,1941. |