Stories from Alumni:
Sylvia Miller, MC Class of 1939.
"The Man With the Personal Touch," by Nelda Rhoades Eikenberry.
"Notes on M Club," author unknown., information taken from Minutes.
Rachel Waybright - stories of Otho Winger, and the night Otho Winger cleared out the visiting room in Oakwood Hall.
Excerpts from "Memories of Manchester," by Otho Winger.
"Determination and Never Give Up," by Ida Young Wike, How Mr. Fish allowed her entrance into Manchester College and how others helped her.
An edit to the alarm clock in chapel story by Myrle Belle Hargerink Mitchell (MC Class of 1939) and Olden Mitchell (alumnus).
Stories of Young Otho Winger and his gift of recognizing and connecting individuals, by Ruth Billman.
"The Illustrious Manchester College Team of 1924," by Duard Conrad - regarding basketball.
Paul W. Keller writes how Otho Winger took Paul on an emergency car race to Bethany Hospital in Chicago for an appendectomy.
Dean Frantz tells a Winger story regarding Michael Flory.
Bruce Brubaker, Ed Henderson, Nettie Schneider, Welcome Weaver, James Schafer, Robert Ebey (chauffer), Lawrence Wade, Margaret Wagner Kleinjan (Winger falling asleep on sofa with glass eye open), Ruby Walker Beauchamp, Carole Shultz Davis (Class of 1951) - regarding/describing Winger's funeral.