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Full Listing > Search results for ""The Last Epidemic":"
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TopicAccession #Description Summary
Convocation #143: McFadden, Dr. Wilbur, "The Last Epidemic"Convocation #143: McFadden, Wilbur The tape is labeled so that the listener expects to hear a presentation by Dr. Wilbur McFadden, 7 February 1983, "The Last Epidemic."   However, there are several presenters and Dr. McFadden is not identified (but he might be if someone listens to the entire recording).  A presenter gives a physical description of what happens during nuclear war.  He uses San Francisco as an example and projects what would happen if the city suffered a nuclear strike. 

Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000