1-2 Artist's rendering of front of Administration Building. Labeled on front: "Manchester College Main Building The Hope for 1919." Details of rooms in the building are also given. The back reads in part: "The Picture on the opposite page shows the plan for the main building of a Greater Manchester College. With the close of the war, the outlook for a larger attendance is better than ever before...The new part is to be erected between, and in connection with the Chapel and the College Hall [Bumgardner]. The location of these two buildings with reference to each other is such that a building can be erected between them and all joined together so as to form one large building as shown in the picture." Not intended for use as postcard.
3 BW photograph of front of Administration Building. U.S.A. flag hanging at main entrance. Front is labeled: "Administration Building." Back reads in part: "Dedicated, January 7th, 1921, by Dr. M.G. Brumbaugh. Length, 250 feet; width from 60 to 75 feet. Three stories high above the basement; height of tower, 80 feet...This is to be the central and main building of a Greater Manchester College." Not intended for use as postcard.
4-6 BW drawing with colorized blue sky. Front is labeled: "Bird's Eye View of Manchester College. A growing school with an ideal location in one of the most attractive little cities in the Middle West. Seven buildings on the campus and five others in town make up a good college plant. The campus of 20 acres, much of it covered in oak trees, is one of exceptional beauty."
4 Back indicates it was sent from North Manchester on September 19, 1924, to Mrs. John Hensler in Bremen, Indiana. Note reads: " Dear Mother: This is Fri. 2:00 and I haven't time to write a letter before the mailman goes. Howard Grenert [?] is coming after us to move us [?] with the ford and he is going to start at noon, so I imagine we'll get home about six o'clock. We will get out of class at 10 oclock, but we didn't know it in time to let Howard know. Then we'll have to come back Mon. evening. You'll see me when I get there. -Irma"
5 Back indicates it was sent from North Manchester on December 11, 1924, to Miss Vestie Burks at the Bursar's office of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Note reads: "Dear Vestie: I think of you girls a lot. I am enjoying being at home very much. I visited in Fort Wayne last week. Lovingly, Leta"
6 Unused.
7-9 Colorized version of photograph of main entrance to Administration Building, showing chime tower and U.S.A. flag flying on top. Labeled on front at top: "Chime Tower, Administration Building" and at bottom: "Manchester College, North Manchester, Ind."
7 Back indicates it was sent from North Manchester on July 8, 1939, to Miss Eliza Trindle in South Milford, Indiana. Note reads: "Dear Liza, How are you? I hope you are well. M. said you were gone. Isn't it hot? I'm glad I'm ready to go home. It is too hot to study. As ever, Miriam."
8-9 Unused cards.
10 BW photograph of chime tower. Labeled on front: "The Chime Tower, Administration Building Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana." Unused card.