Speeches and articles by President Parker Marden: "Vision 1991 - Focusing on Growth and Excellence," by President Marden. "Committing an Act of History," Convocation address to open the 106th year of Manchester College, 31 August 1994, Cordier Auditorium. 22 October 1994, Inaugural Address, "To The Frontier. Again." 21 May 1995, Baccalaureate Service, Parker Marden, President, "Not Unto Ourselves Alone Are We Born." 6 July 1996, "What makes up a strong sports team?" by President Parker Marden as published in the Wabash Plain Dealer. "Have you spent that million yet?" - financial reflection from the dentist's office (January 1997). 6 February 1997 - email exchange to Wartburg College. "The President's Circle," 109th Convocation Address, 3 September 1997, by President Parker Marden. 3 March 2003, Convocation speech by President Parker Marden, State of the College Address, "Life in the Winter of Our Discontent." Statement on the appropriate educational environment. |