1. One photograph from 1900 - 1901.
This photo was labeled "ministers 1900 - 01." These would be Church of the Brethren ministers and they are identified as follows. The spellings in the original identifications are believed to be inaccurate, and the original writer's capital letters for J. T. and I were inconsistent:
(Front Row)
1. L. D. Ikenberry, taught and administered on MC campus1900 - 1943.
2. E. B. Hoff, taught Interpretive Study of the Bible at Manchester College, 1899 - 1901.
3. J. B. Spiecher (Speicher), Trustee from 1899 - 1902
4. T. B. Book
5. S. S. Gump
(Middle Row) 1. W. C. Perry 2. S. P. Early 3. J. B. Letherman(t) 4. J. L. Guthrie 5. T. S. Moherman.
Back Row) 1. L. W. Metz 2. D. W. Shock 3. O. D. Foster
4. J. J. Angelmeyer (Anglemeyer) |