1. One notebook with Ulrey Reunion names and addresses . It appears as if the book originates prior to 1913 and goes on to include 1913 reunion participants.
2. A retrospective of the Ulrey Family, 1700 - 1912.
3. Narratives and Letters and Family Trees.
4. Individuals not included in the Index, presumably because their names were not Ulrey.
5. Ulreys outside of the Manchester area (File A), and Ulreys outside of N. Manchester, Manchester area ( File B).
6. Ulrey family histories: Jake's, Florence's, Fred Ullery, Schultz, Horine's.
7. Ulrey Committee Report to Ulrey Reunion, etc.
8. Indexes to Ulrey Family Register.
9. Original Manchester Ulreys Group Sheets.
10. Manchester Ulreys and their ancestors. |