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Full listing > Accession Convocation #143: McFadden, Wilbur
Accession #Convocation #143: McFadden, Wilbur
TopicConvocation #143: McFadden, Dr. Wilbur, "The Last Epidemic",
TitleConvocation #143: Dr. Wilbur McFadden
LocationCassette Tape in Metal File and CD in Convocation CD Media Cabinet by date
CitationConvocation #143: Dr. Wilbur McFadden, Convocation #143: McFadden, Wilbur, Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Funderburg Library, Manchester University, North Manchester, Indiana.
AccessResearchers are responsible for determining copyright status of archived materials where this is relevant to their intended use of the materials.
ProvenanceArchives Convocation Collection
Scope and Content

One cassette tape and accompanying CD. 

Date of Accession15 December 2011
Bio History NoteThe tape is labeled so that the listener expects to hear a presentation by Dr. Wilbur McFadden, 7 February 1983, "The Last Epidemic."   However, there are several presenters and Dr. McFadden is not identified (but he might be if someone listens to the entire recording).  A presenter gives a physical description of what happens during nuclear war.  He uses San Francisco as an example and projects what would happen if the city suffered a nuclear strike.
Archivist Note

Cassette  tape transferred to CD by Instructional Technologies Department in October of 2011.

Description prepared 15 December 2011 by Jeanine M. Wine.


Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000