1. "Memories of ...Manchester," by Otho Winger.
2. Folder labeled "Within the College." Personal correspondence to and from Charles Klingler between others on campus. Some examples follow:
3. Independent Study - Restricted - Some student names and grades are included, along with comments.
Religious Motifs in the Fiction of John Steinbeck, by Barbara Huffman, Spring 1973.
Creative Writing in Poetry: Study and Application, by Jeanine Meek, 10 May 1972? Eleven Poems.
John Synge and the Anglo-Irish Heritage, A Study of the Plays, by Sandra Dolby, 7 December 1968.
The Influence of Ezra Loomis Pound Upon William Butler Yeats, S. J. Guynn, Autumn Quarter, 1968.
Mark Train, His Cynicism Toward Man, God and "The Damned Human Race," by James Veatch, Fall Term, 1963-64.
Ernest Hemingway, An Independent Study, by Lee Shaffer, Fall Term, 1965-1966. Shakespeare and the Avoidance of Obscurity in Six Tragedies, by Lee Shaffer, 20 May 1966.
Two Authors and Mysticism, by E. E. Kester.
A Comparison of the Anonymous Plays the Troublesome Raigne of King John and The Famous Victories of Henry V with Shakespeare's King John and His Henry IV and V Plays, by Christine Beery, 12 July 1966.
A Study of Principal Characters in a Sampling of American Novels with Regional Characteristics, by Anita Eddingfield, Summer Term, 1962.
The Metamorphosis of Character in the Fifth Century Greek, by Susan Yeatter, 16 June 1966.
Nick Adams, Santiago, and the Good Life, by Lee Shaffer, 20 January 1966.
Th Moral Sense of Some Classic 19th Century American Authors: a study of good and evil in Hawthorne, Melville, and Twain, by James Hollis, Winter Term, 1961 - 1962.