The James T. Westwood collection of materials regarding the family history, career, articles regarding/related to, and dissertation of, Manchester Professor, Donal M. Royer.
Royer family history written by Professor Royer, "The French Huguenot Roots of the Royer Family of Lancaster County."
United States Census material.
Abstract of PH. D. Dissertation, "The Acculturation Process and the Peace Doctrine of the Church of the Brethren in the Central Region of the United States," by Donald M. Royer. Advisors, Professors Donald Horton, Kermit Eby and Samuel Kingheloe, Department of Sociology, The University of Chicago, September, 1955.
"An American Sect Under Pressure," 1 February 1956.
Copies of newspaper and other articles related to Donald Royer.