Manchester High School Awards for Manchester College
(File 61)
A. Half of article cut off
B. Lori Zimmerman (alumna) received pin for earning all “A’s” in the 3 grading periods
C. May 1987
Miscellaneous Scholarships
(File #62)
A. Note on North Manchester Jaycee Scholarship
a. Recipient: Christy Stephan
b. No date
B. Carl H. & Olive Green Kley Memorial Scholarship
a. Information on the scholarship
b. No date
C. Note on various scholarship
a. Recipients:
i. Shayne Haymond
1. Dean’s Scholarship
ii. Christiana Schmeltz
1. Presidential Scholarship
2. Honors Stipend
3. Accounting Alumin Scholarship
iii. Linda Cash
1. Presidential Scholarship
b. No date
D. Note on various scholarship
a. Recipients:
i. Karen Davis
1. Presidential Leadership Award
ii. Clint Beck
1. Service Scholarship
iii. Mark Heiden
1. Service Scholarship
iv. Erin Groombridge
1. Presidential Scholarship
2. Accounting Alumni Scholarship
v. Katie Lane
1. Dean’s Scholarship
vi. Matthew McNeeley
1. Dean’s Scholarship
vii. Dani Wion
1. Dean’s Scholarship
b. No date
E. Scholarship Awarded by Alpha Beta Chapter
a. Of Beta Sigma Phi sorority at Warsaw
b. Non MC scholarship
c. Recipient: Karen Freed
i. June 1961
F. Scholarship for Graduate Study
a. Recipients:
i. Tatiana Bertulsons
1. Science Foundation Fellowship
ii. Roger Dilling
1. National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellowship in Physics
iii. Nelson Zinsmeister
1. Graduate Assistantship in Mathematics
b. May 1961
G. Robert E. Lee Scholarship
a. Non MC scholarship
b. Recipient: Chanse Young
i. June 1994
H. Stefan Kaufmann Memorial Music Scholarship
a. Recipient: David Deardorff
b. Article mentions others and scholarships they won
I. National Scholarship Awards
a. From National 4-H Congress
b. Recipient: Mary Joyce Bombich
i. December 1964
J. Fellowship Awards
a. Recipients: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beery
b. Attend graduate school
c. October 1966
K. Foreign Study Scholarship
a. Scholarship for foreign language teachers
b. Recipient: Edith Tewich, alumna
i. June 1966
L. Rural Life Scholarship
a. Given by Mr. & Mrs. Ira E. Weaver
b. Recipients: Gerald Carpenter, Carl Rowe, Larry Slivers, Carol Skillen, & Joyce Whitacre
i. November 1958
M. Manchester College Scholarships
a. Recipient: Janet Felix, Lois Kieffaber, Linda Kreider, Mary Sue Helstern, Janet Nye, Lawrence Rupley, & Kathleen Weldy
i. May 1951
N. Academic Excellence Scholarship
a. Recipients: Brenda Brant, Jon Gochenauer, Patricia Goering, Michael Howard, Melanie May, Lillian Miller, Terri Ann Pellow, Janet Reed, Norman Waggy, Susan Walters, James Eikenberry, Dan Garver, Merry Good, James Hartman, Margaret Kursh, James Miller, Judy Noffsinger, Daniel Spencer, Donna Young, Richard Buck, Gregory Frolke, John Gilmore, Stephen Hollenberg, Martha Shonk, Gary Stauffer, Susan Swanson
i. September 1973
b. Also mentions winners of Simon S., Nettie B. & Lula Rae Young Memorial Scholarship
i. Recipients: Richard Bender, Evan Berkey, Virginia Carnahan, Dan Drotar, Dan Follas, Steve George, Connie Hicks, Joy Hofacker, Steve Jennings, Rich Keeney, Mark Lichtenberger, Ed. Minnick, Debbie Plunkett, Dan Shedd, Ann Smith, Dennis Sollenberger, & John Wendel