Photographs of choral groups, bands, and organizations on the Manchester College campus - identified according to previous descriptions written on the picture: 1. MU2013/141a -The Messiah, 1963. 2. MU2013/141b - The Messiah, 1963. 3. MU2013/141c - 30 March 1963 - Elijah. 4. MU2013/141d - Band Day 1963. 5. MU2013/141e - High School Band Day 1956. 6. MU2013/141f - Band Day 1956. 7. MU2013/141g - 1933 - First year of Marching Band at Manchester College - Student, Max Kraning, Conductor. 8. MU2013/141h - Manchester College Band at Half-Time entertainment - Homecoming Football Game, 1974 - featuring The Doo-Ron-Rons -a trio of gifted MC vocal students who sang music from the big band era. 9. MU2013/141i - Symphonic Band 1966, Dwight Oltman, Conductor. 10. MU2013/141j - Civic Symphony 1966. 11. MU2013/141k - MENC 1965-1966 - Vernon Stinebaugh, faculty member. 12. College and Town of North Manchester Choral Group gathering to sing "The Messiah," 1961. |