Publications printed by The Brethren Press, Elgin, Illinois, describing various beliefs held by the Church of the Brethren. 1. "And How Shall the Brethren be Recognized?" by Desmond Bittinger. 2. "The Brethren Love Feast," by William Beahm. 3. "Ideals of the Church of the Brethren," by D. W. Kurtz. 4. "First Steps in Faith, New Life in the Church of the Brethren." 5. "People Who Care," An Introduction to the Church of the Brethren." 6. "People With a Calling, Becoming a Member of the Church of the Brethren." 7. "Biblical Basis of a Peace Witness." 8. "The Meaning of Baptism," William Beahm. 9. "Church of the Brethren, Another Way of Living." 10. "Who Are These Brethren," by Joan Deeter. Other papers, pamphlets and publications already in the Archives were added to BC2014/5 on 19 November 2014 by Jeanine Wine. A few of the titles are listed below: "Statement on Position and Practices of The Church of the Brethren In Relation to War," 1948. "The Scriptural Basis of Pacifism." "The Theological Basis of Personal Ethics." "The Church of the Brethren," by D. W. Bittinger. "Questions for Christians in 1956." "American Baptist Convention and Church of the Brethren Conversations." "We Meet the Alcohol Problem," James Renz, Temperance Secretary. Sermon by C. Wayne Zunkel, July 1966 - "A Radical Church - not a Victory - An Assignment." "Ideals of the Church of the Brethren," by D. W. Kurtz. "What Does Church Membership Mean?" "The Love feast (Agape)," by D. W. Kurtz. "The Birth of the Church of the Brethren," by Martin Brumbaugh (from Bicentennial Address). |