1. These negatives were from a photo box labeled "Negatives Miscellaneous." 2. A group of negatives were rubber-banded together and each wet was contained: a.) in the same type of sleeve - brownish wax-like paper, and b.) was numbered in black marker - some sets may not have been rubber-banded with the others - but placed together. 3. Often, the photographer had divided the roll into groups of 6 images - which did not fit into the archival protector & the negative strip had to be cut. If digitized, reassemble by photo number before each page's scanning to get the proper sequence.* 4. It is not known if these negatives are all of the same batch or year? These could represent multiple years and might have simply been stored together for convenience sake. *This note was not seen until after scanning. The archivist will do what she can to achieve photo order when organizing scanned images. MU2018/82 was from 11_F_14 Neg. sleeve and banded together #47 (Queen/Football?Court). Negatives scanned by student worker in the archives, Eli Smith, during the summer of 2018. Description prepared 25 July 2018 by Jeanine Wine. Description prepared 25 July 2018 by Jeanine Wine.