Manchester University



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Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection


Full Listing > Search results for "Deputation" as a "keywords" value:
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TopicAccession #Description Summary
Financial Records of Manchester CollegeMC2007/137 

Financial records of the college, college classes, college student groups and organizations.

Annuity Funds.

Alice King Ebey: Handwritten record of income and expenses for the college including student/faculty/staff accounts.  Alice King is included, see: July 7, to December 12, 1898, Alice King 7/16/1898).

Clubs, societies and organizations: Account books for various clubs and organizations.  Aurora, College Quartet, Lincoln Adelphia Treasurer's Book, Philalethea Cash Books, Phronia Lethea, Physics (Sigma Pi Sigma), Rhetoria - Mathea or Mathea Rhetoria Society, Science Club, Service Fellowship, Sociology Club, Tau Kappa Alpha Journal of Finances, Y.M.C.A. records for 1930 - 1931, and Women's Glee Club receipt books. Deputation Work at Manchester College 1945 - 1946: Receipts, expenditures and reports by Bill Eberly.

Photographs 1958 - 1962MC2012/48 

A collection of photographs representing residence life, May Day events, A Cappella Choir, religious life, classes and athletics at Manchester College circa 1958 - 1959 - 1960 - 1961 - 1962.


Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000