The Manchester College community is lacking a vital part of the basic makeup of any true community, a communication of ideas and issues which can inform the community and move the community to action when needed.
As an arm of communication the present newspaper, Oak Leaves, fails to bring relevant information to the students. It is biased, irrelevant, and concerned with preserving the status quo at Manchester College. In response to such a failure, WALRUS is designed to fill a needed role: an alternative student-community newspaper.
WALRUS is a student-run newspaper dedicated to placing the news of the community before its members; dedicated to coverage of all aspects of community lives. WALRUS holds that students are responsible adults and have the right to know all information which affects their lives. We believe that when the news is presented honestly and under the direction of a collective interest that the readers can form and act upon their opinions.
The content of this paper will be controlled by the readers. We wish to establish true communications on campus by opening this paper to all those who wish to contribute to the WALRUS in the hope that a forum of opinion and argument may be established.
WALRUS will serve the community's interests. We believe in the student body, and in its ability to determine its own interests and opinions.