Excerpts The North Manchester Civic Symphony Society:
(The group) was organized in the fall of 1939....
Membership in the Civic Symphony Society is open to all organized cultural and civic clubs of the community. Each club is entitled to t minimum of two members and a maximum of one for each ten members....
Teh Society operates on about $1000.00 a year. The expenses of the Society include fees to soloists, mileage to non-resident players who are needed to maintain a reasonably balanced instrumentation, printing of programs and tickets, publicity, rental of hall, purchase and rental of music. It has been teh aim of the Society to offer scholarships to high school seniors at Manchester Colelge when finances permit.....
In 1943, when available talent was scarece due to war conditions, the Civic Symphony and the Manchester College Orchestra were combined. This arrangement continues to the present (unknown date). Any interested person is invited to apply for audition to the conductors and, if qualified, is assured of a place in the orchestra when there is a vacany in the particular section. |