Robin Gratz responded to an email from Jeanine Wine about the succession of Library Directors at Manchester College. A printout of the email is in this file and Rob's comments are highlighted in yellow.
The succession of Library Directors is as follows:
Lawrence Shultz (L. W. Shultz) - "Librarian."
Ruth Coblentz (1945 - 1970) - "Librarian."
A Thurmyle Gosnell (spelling?), circa 1956, for about one year.
Ruth Coblentz (1945 - 1970) - "Librarian."
Allen Wilmert (1966 - 1989), titled "Librarian," and then "College Librarian."
Rob Gratz (1989 - 2012), titled "Library Director, and then, "Director of Library Services."
Rob began his position on 1 August 1989 and retired on 31 August 2012. Rob chose to call himself "Library Director" but somebody changed it to "Director of Library Services." This might have been a government standardized title and could have been changed through Human Resources?