B2 F1 - Correspondence, 1959 - 1963. B2 F2 - Correspondence, 1964. B2 F3 - Correspondence, 1968-1969. B2 F4 - Correspondence, 1970-1972. B2 F5 - Correspondence, 1973. B2 F6 - Deeter Correspondence, 1974. B2 F7 - Correspondence, 1975. B2 F8 - Correspondence, 1976-1978. B2 F9 - Council for Intercultural Studies and Programs. B2 F10 - Fellowship of Reconciliation. B2 F11 - Environmental Studies at Manchester. B2 F12 - Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) Training, Manchester College, 1974. B2 F13 - India 1973, 1978. B2 F14 - India Delegation, 1975-1976. B2 F15 - On Earth Peace. B2 F16 - Testimony to Senate Subcommittee on Education - United States Peace Academy. B2 F17 - On Earth Peace Academy, 1975-1976. B2 F18 - World Without War Council, 1976. B2 F19 - Deeter, Significant Correspondence, including but not limited to: 11 December 1958 letter from Deeter to Dean Earl Garver regarding Gladdys Muir's retirement and course disbursements. 11 June 1959 Mid Summer Peace Studies News-Letter from Gladdys Muir with handwritten instructions to Allen and Joan Deeter regarding the remaining contents of Muir's office. The newsletter describes Muir's retirement at Manchester, along with the topics of Dr. Cordier's Commencemenet address (the need for skill in human relations and more "love," and news regarding peace Studies students. 6 July 1959 Memo from Treasurer to President Helman and Dean Garver regarding Gladdys Muir's library and other related matters. 11 September 1959 letter from Allen Deeter to Gladdys Muir in which he resonds t her note from the 11 June 1959 Newsletter. 14 April 1960 letter regarding Grady Snyder and Dale ( probably Dale Aukerman - see 6 April 1960 correspondent list and Dale's location in Germany). 31 December 1961 Peace Studies Newsletter in which Gladdys Muir describes her mother's death and includes a personal note to Allen and Joan Deeter. The effect that Dr. Johansen's resignation would have on the Peace Studies program, a letter from Allen Deeter to President Helman. 1960 letter regarding doctoral thesis and Spener's theological position. 6 February 1966 letter from Al and Company from Bill Schuhle (Professor William Schuhle). 12 February 1966 letter to Professor William Schuhle from Allen Deeter. 25 April 1966 from Deeter to Ken (probably Ken Brown?) regarding salary increases and Deeter's feelings about teaching at Manchester. 7 August 1967 Self-Study producing a proposal of a full term devoted to Conflict Resolution. 7 August 2967 letter from Allen and Joan Deeter with ACD to Dr. Gladdys Muir regarding protests and Ken's (probably Ken Brown's?) refusal to pay excise tax on phone, bill which was levied specifically to help finance Viet Nam. Correspondence with Linda Rehfeldt in Germany regarding the East Berlin border and inability to move supplies across, reflections regarding the educational process, Deeter's work ethic and the effect it has on travels and colleagues, home life, Manchester College pressures.
Additional Folders Added by Jeanine Wine on 14 May 2019. They were additional Deeter materials brought to the archives by the Peace Studies Department: B2 F 20: Deeter - Good and Evil - syllabus and materials F 1969. The Doctrine of Man, 8 February 1953. B2 F 21: Deeter - Philosophy of Civilization - class materials. B2 F22: Deeter - Our Unseen Guest - a sermon. B2 F23: Deeter - Kant and Pietism, 1956. B2 F24: Deeter - Tribute to T. Wayne Rieman, T. Wayne Rieman: Gift and Giver, by Allen C. Deeter. B2 F25: Deeter - Brethren Heritage - To What End, Our Brethren Beginnings?, 1977.