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Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection


I'm sorry, we can't find an accession for "Ferne Baldwin, Collection of the Archives."

These items in the Church of the Brethren collection may also be helpful:
Click on the record's record number to see the full record information.
TopicRecord #Description Summary
Church of the Brethren: Beliefs and StoriesBC2018/14 A collection of pages copied from an undocumented source.  It includes not just a description of Brethren beliefs, but accompanying stories. 
Church of the Brethren: Direction, Future, COCUBC2018/10 1966 article by theologian Martin Marty  in "The National Catholic Reporter" in which he compares the challenges of the Church of the Brethren with those of the Catholic Church. What does the future hold? 
Church of the Brethren: Direction, Future, COCUBC2018/11 The August 1966 article by Martin Marty [MU2018/10] was written during the same time-period as the 1966 COB Annual Conference. Should the Church of the Brethren face the future by ecumenical participation with other denominations through the Consultation on Church Union (COCU)? BC2018/22 includes documents of the Church of the Brethren's "Fraternal Relations Committee to the 1966 Annual Conference, along with a speech delivered by Wayne Zunkel on the Conference floor during the COCU debate. Also included: "An Open Letter To the Fraternal Relations Committee," "Report, Consultation on Church Union" (1966), and "Supplementary Report of the Fraternal Relations Committee to Annual Conference on COCU. 
Church of the Brethren: Trends in the Central RegionBC2018/13 "Trends in the Church of the Brethren" (1949), "Trends of Central Region pastors and Congregations," list of members of the General Brotherhood Board and District Fieldworkers in the Central Region (1954), Number of people on various boards in each district of the Central Region, statistical report of pastors and pastorates in the Region (undated, but possibly 1954). 
Mack, Alexander: PageantBC2018/12 The "Pageant of Alexander Mack" was likely presented in the North West Ohio District of the Church of the Brethren in 1944 and depicts the historical theology guiding Mack's decisions and thought. 

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