Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection |
Full Listing > Search results for "Bessie:"Click on the accession's accession number to see the full accession's information.Topic | Accession # | Description Summary | Faculty, Trustee and Early Photographs | MU2014/13 | Photographs of many faculty members from what appears to be the early 1900's as well as the 1950's and 1960's. A few other pictures showing trustees, the MC Chorus' oratorio of 1912, and various student groupings. |
Garner, Warren: Personal Collection | MU2017/81 | Six binders containing genealogical and family materials, professional awards and honors, and athletics information. |
Myers, Michaele: Collection of Actress from Sydney, Indiana | MU2014/6 | A history of actress, Michaele Myers, as written by Martha Ann Merkle Myers. Also included are plays, photographs, newspaper articles, and posters. |
Nelson, Bessie | Faculty/Staff Boxes 46-48: Nelson, Bessie | Material regarding Bessie Nelson. |
Winger, Otho: Faculty Prospects | MC2006/13: File Folder Case - Faculty and Prospects Letters | President Otho Winger's correspondence regarding faculty prospects primarily for the 1920's. |
Young, Menno and Viola: Collection 1898 - 1924 | MU2014/82 | A collection of Manchester College and Church of the Brethren materials belonging to Menno and Viola (Rau) Young, who attended Manchester during 1898-1899. Materials range from 1898 to 1924. |
These items in the Church of the Brethren collection may also be helpful:Click on the record's record number to see the full record information.Topic | Record # | Description Summary | Ladoga and Ladoga Area Church of the Brethren | BC2015/3 | Records belonging to the Ladoga Church of the Brethren and other area Brethren congregations [Scott, Union, and Clark Townships, and Montgomery County, Indiana]. Records include, but are not limited to, county membership lists as well as letters of recommendation and membership certificates. Multidenominational Sunday School statistics circa 1927. |
Missions: Church of the Brethren | BC2014/3 | Publication by the Church of the Brethren (undated, circa 1949), "A Five Year Advance Program for Foreign Missions." Depicted are Church of the Brethren mission and medical mission programs in India, China, Africa, and Ecuador. |
Northern Indiana District: Women's Fellowship | BC2017/22 | Women's Fellowship materials of the Northern Indiana District of the Church of the Brethren. |
South Central District: Collection of Materials | BC2014/10a-g | An assortment of items found in basement of the South Central Indiana District Office building. Some interesting items include a notebook containing Funerals at the Eel River Church along with obituaries of individuals who died in the area. |