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Full listing > Accession MC2001/110
Accession #MC2001/110
KeywordsSpeech, Debate, Communication Studies,
TitleForensics Program Records
Size2 Large Boxes
LocationLarge boxes 62-63 (Forensics 1-2)
CitationForensics Program Records, MC2001/110, Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Funderburg Library, Manchester University, North Manchester, Indiana.
AccessResearchers are responsible for determining copyright status of archived materials where this is relevant to their intended use of the materials.
Scope and Content

General information relating to Forensics collected in 2001 with description updated 25 April 2019.

Forensics 1 Large Box 62

Miley Oratorical Contest 1958-59: Summary of National Defense Education Act of 1958; list of counselors; memos to faculty about field trips; Tau Kappa Alpha 1908-1958 Golden Anniversary, Tau Kappa Alpha annual chapter reports and speakers; list of placements and competitors; typed letter from Seifrit thanking supporters; typed correspondences about practice debates and tournaments; results of forensic events 1958-59; typed correspondence about hotel reservations; typed correspondence about stretching the budget; Tau Kappa Alpha memberships; typed copy of Shirley Cree’s oration;typed correspondence between Miley and Keller; results, typed copy of oration,and judges’ scoring sheets of the Third Annual Miley Memorial OratoricalContest; list of topics of speaking contests in 1959; handwritten prospects forextemp.; Men’s and Women’s Oratory and Men’s and Women’s Extempore Speaking;information and results of 1958 Kaylor Contest; information, schedule, andresults of Annual Peace Oratorical and Extemperaneous Contests, Tau Kappa Alphacertificate awarded to Alan W. Frantz; membership order for Alan W. Frantz,Sharon Lavonne Mourer, Phyllis Ann Sheets, and Connie Stavropulos; Constitutionof the Indiana Speech Association (Oct. 12, 1950 amended 1957 and 1959); Reportof Committee on Speech Conferences; typed correspondence about Annual Report ofthe Committee to the Annual Business Session; Indiana Oratorical AssociationReport for 1958-1959; typed correspondence about Interstate OratoricalAssociation contests and lists of speakers; unfilled room reservations; andIntercollegiate Peace Speech Association program.

Tri Alpha: 1951-52 Speech Dept. Debate Budget;194-1942 list of materials sent; Paul Roten; expenses October and November1963; receipts; Tri Alpha membership cards; list of members; form for Tri AlphaParticipation Report 1947-48; Points – Tri Alpha Club; advertisement for TriAlpha presents “Dark of the Moon”; program for “Dark of the Moon”; program for“The Merchant of Venice”; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year card; program for“The Typists and the Tiger”; and program for “The Chancel Players in theSearch”.

State Peace Speech Contest (1956-57): Letter awardrewarded to Jim Bingham; list of awards; typed correspondence about awardwinner, gold medal with Mary Alice Gilchrist engraved, nominations ofoutstanding alumni, and Dr. Ralph McGinnis taking over Greg Phifer’s job,handbook information, Friendly Intercollegiate Debating Series, Notre Damehosting Tau Kappa Alpha Midwest Regional Discussion Conference, annual debatetournament at Northwestern University Butler University, holding Fourth AnnualNovice Debate Tournament, Tenth Annual Bradley Speech Tournament, Direct ClashDebate Tournament, Indiana State Oratorical Contest; two copies of “To ThineOwnself be True” by Russell Sansbury; copy of “Don’t take the Short End of theTicket” by Gloria Anderson; The Kaylor Memorial Extemporaneous Speaking Contestfor Freshman and Sophomores advertisement; debate team schedule; IN State PeaceContest; Summary Report on Forensic Program 1956-57; form to fill out NoviceDebate Tournament; copy of Beginning Bibliography on Debate Resolution; WestPoint National Invitational Debate Tournament – list of following schools; TauKappa Alpha Bulletin Nov. 1; National Contest in Public Discussion; Rules andProcedures for Cross Question Debating; Tenth Annual DePauw Delta Sigma RHOTournament; advertisements and invitations for 25th AnnualInvitational Debate Tournament; A Committee Hearing; An Invitation to aCommittee Hearing at Albion College; Instructions to Chairman; Constitution ofthe Indiana Oratorical Association; Interstate Oratorical Association;Activities Schedule; Financial Report for 1957; Resolutions Passed at the 1957Association Meeting Feb. 8; Miley Oratorical Contest correspondences; “Divided”by Russ Sansbury; handwritten names of participants for Kaylor Extemp.; KaylorPublic Speaking Contest oratory ballots; Report, first prize award,information, and typed correspondences on Intercollegiate Peace Speech ContestsApr. 26;  Tri Kappa Alpha certificateawarded to Gloria Anderson; and “The Indiana Speech Association Offers aSuggestive Course of Study for Public Speakers to follow The Basic SpeechCourse.”

1960-1961:  Typedcorrespondences about installations and shipping Broadcasting System,invitation to 1961 National Convention; Regional Conference at Hall State; TKADiscussion Conference use topic Resolved; Tau Kappa Alpha Regional Conference;schedule; Mid-Western Regional Conference; typed correspondences about TauKappa Alpha; 1961 National Convention of Tau Kappa Alpha Bellarmine College,Louisville, KY, May 11-13, 1961; West Point Tournament items; American ForensicAssociation Debate Ballot; Two Men Debate Eliminations; The Speaker of TauKappa Alpha; Schedule of Events; TKA Public Speaking; Four Man Debate Schedule;Extra-Tournament Activities; maps of cities; National Topic Thursday; CampusTopic Friday; Chicago Undergraduate Division University of Illinois; ThirteenthAnnual UIC Freshman-Sophomore Debate Tournament Final Notice; Two Man DebateSchedule and Results; Extemporaneous Speaking Schedule and Contest Results;Operational Procedures for the National Festival of Tau Kappa Alpha; Microphones;Contract with WMIB; Grades; Discussion Ballot; Judging Discussion; DiscussionOutline; As I Saw This Discussion; Midterm Examinations Speech 212 Fall 1960;and Speech 212.

1960-1961: Radio and Television Bibliography;Aims, Regulations, and Organizational for Radio Station WMIB; FinalExamination, Radio and Television, Fall 1960; Midterm Examination Radio andTelevision and Speech 213; Suggestions for Direct Clash Debating; Instructionsfor Timekeepers; University of Illinois Novice Debate Tournament; Hotel andMotel Accommodations; Minutes; memorandum reminding of deadlines; memorandum aboutproposed schedule of program, WOWO Radio Planning Committee, revised programschedule, working schedule for WOWO radio station, recording session for radioprogram, re-scheduling of WOWO radio programs; Twelfth Annual Direct ClashDebate Tournament; Montage; correspondences about Montage; The Golden Age ofOratory; and Oratories.

1961-62: Ninth Annual University of Illinois;newspaper article about Conductor Thomas Beecham; TKA Chapter Sponsors; TwelfthAnnual TKA Midwestern National Regional Conference program; WMIB; ParliamentaryDebate; Discussion Rating Sheet; Seventeenth National Debate Tournament WestPoint, NY, Apr. 24-26 1962; District V West Point Elimination Tournament; AnAnnotated Bibliography on Listening for the Elementary Schools; Committee andJudging Assignments Twentieth Annual TKA Midwestern Regional Conference; Speechfor Teachers, Summer 1982; Radio Activity Grades; and Preliminary InformationForm District V Debate Tournament, 1962.

1962-63: Twenty-first Annual TKA Midwest RegionalConference Oct. 26-27, 1962 program; invitation to 1962 National Conference;Evansville housing; West Point District V Tournament; information about tenthannual Illinois Novice Debate Tournament; XVI National Debate Tournament; typedcorrespondence about Professor J.T. Rickey becoming Sponsor of Purdue Chapterof TKA; 21st Annual Conference of Midwest Region of TKA; Schedule ofevents; Entry Form; TKA Chapter Report; annual dues; participant sheet;Instructions for Parliamentary Debate; Speeches in Order; Instructions forAdvocacy Speeches; Discussion Rating Sheet; Special Event in Evansvilleprogram; University of Illinois Novice Debate Tournament; extra credit work forradio program; National Debate Tournament XVII; 1961 Tariff Sheet; Debate Tournamentat Western Illinois University information; Extemporaneous Speaking; OralInterpretation; and Radio Newscasting.

1963-64: Received of Petty Cash; This is YourInvitation to Bring Your Debators to Western Illinois University for theWestern Illinois University “Double Threat” Debate Tournament; Speech 121Midterm and Final Key and Blank Copies; TKA National Conference April 8-10, 634-min debate; Elimination Rounds – Two Man Debate; 1963 TKA National ConferenceDiscussion Results; Extemporaneous Speaking results; TKA National ConferenceBall State College April 8-10, 1963; Final Tabulations – Two Man Debates;Public Speaking; TKA National Forensics Competition 4-Man Debate; TKA NationalConference Ball State Teachers College General Information and program;Candidate for First Vice President of the Student Council TKA; Instructions forAll Events General Instructions for Debate 2 min; University of Illinois NoviceDebate Tournament; Extemporaneous Speaking Individual Ballot; New Schedule; andPersuasive Speaking.

Oberlin College: Copy of a report adopted by theGeneral Faculty on February 8, 1938; Required and Recommended Courses for theMajor and Certification Requirements for Prospective Students; Allen ArtBuilding Auditorium Humanities Lectures; The Humanistic Tradition Assignmentsand itinerary; Schedule of Lectures; handwritten notes; Oberlin CollegeSchedule of Lecture the Humanities; Joint Psychology-Sociology seminar; TheSpeech Department Recommends to the Educational Policy Committee March 1960;Deutsch Zwei (1960) Ubung 32; Oberlin study; Foreign Language Summer SessionsAbroad program; The 1959 Oberlin Summer Program in France; map of Oberlin, OH;Oberlin College Humanities 41-42 “The Humanistic Tradition”; and The Purpose ofthe Divisional Course “The Humanistic Tradition”.

Michigan State Communication Program: Developmentof Communication Skills through Reading and Analysis by Russel H. Fowler.

Manchester Forensic Union: M.F.U. meeting; typedcorrespondence about TKA Regional Conference; minutes taken by Phyllis Sheets;18th Annual TKA Mid-Western Regional Conference program;Registration form; memorandum about duties; Constitution of the ManchesterForensic Union; Criteria; Constitution of the Manchester Forensic Union;Constitution and By-Laws; As I Saw This Discussion blank form; and SuggestedProcedure for Committee Sessions Midwestern Regional TKA Conference 1959.

Listening: Ten Guides to Effective Listening.

High School Debate Tourney: True/False quiz aboutdebate; list of schools; Discussion Guide; memorandum about proposed highschool debate tournament; application; typed correspondences about dates fordebate meets; Ohio High School Speech League Newsletter Forensic Results April,1958; and Ohio High School Speech League Newsletter January, 1959.

General Aid, Speech 212: Helpful Hints andSuggestions for Students in Radio; guide to hand signals sheet; blank chart;and Debate Techniques of Refutation.

Delta Sigma Rho: Delta Sigma Rho Discussion andDebate Tournament at the University of Wisconsin March 9-10, 1951; invitation;senior series; general instructions for discussion; information abouttournament; typed correspondences about reservations; A tabulation of theResults of the Delta Sigma Rho Discussion and Debate Tournament; and TKARegional Meeting at Purdue University Union.

Pi Kappa Delta: Constitution of Pi Kappa DeltaHonorary Forensic Soiety.

TKA Ritual: TKA Initiation; History of TKA; Rulesand Procedures for Cross Question Debating; Principles Involved in CrossExamination Debate; Information Sheet; Complete Ritual for Initiation into TKA;Complete Ritual of TKA Arranged for the Manchester Chapter; TKA Presidentopening; and TKA Equipment.

Tau Kappa Alpha 1949: TKA Ritual May 1949 program;subscription to the speaker of TKA; Forensic Qualifications; handwritten noteabout paying debt to the Ritty; handwritten note; TKA Official Order Blank.

Tau Kappa Alpha 52-53: Eleventh Annual TKA PurdueUniversity Oct. 30-31, 1952 program; Instructions for Participants in EleventhAnnual TKA Michigan-Indiana Regional Congress; receipts; typed correspondencesabout questionnaires and transportation; Rules for Plenary Session 1953; typedcorrespondence about materials from Congress sessions of 1953 TKA NationalConference, hotel rates going up to $3.00, preliminary blank forms, round tripcoach fares, questionnaires, awards to ten delegates, final entry blank, rulesand regulations, national conference April 23-25, 1953; Minutes of the SeventhAnnual National TKA Congress; and typed correspondences about hospitality,public program series, and reaffiliation with of Cornell College and St. CloudTeachers College.

Tau Kappa Alpha 1953-54: A Bill to the NationalCongress of Tau Kappa Alpha to Combat the Threat of Communism; typedcorrespondence about National Conference April 23-25, 1953; Discussion list;Debate results; As I Saw This Discussion; The Speaker of TKA March 1995program; typed correspondence about TKA Conference 1953 being held at WesternMichigan College; Committee on International Trade (Minority Report); Committeeon International Trade (Majority Bill); Discussion Evaluation; DebateScorecard; typed correspondences about National Conference debate,recommendations, arrangements, welcome, The Serenaders, reservations; GeneralInstructions for Discussions; Information for Delegates National TKA CongressMarch 25-27, 1954; National Conference Program; General Information NationalConference of TKA March 25-27, 1954; Tenative Schedule; typed correspondenceabout Butler going to Regional TKA Conference; and Debate Ballot for NationalConference.

Tau Kappa Alpha 1995: Constitution and By-Laws ofthe Mike Club; Questionnaire Diagnosis Cloyd Dye; Minutes of the ExecutiveCouncil of Tau Kappa Alpha; Winners of the Tau Kappa Alpha; Minutes of theMeeting of the Midwest Regional Council Nov. 3, 1995; “The Broken Doll” by MaryAlice Gilchrist April 1956; handwritten note about National Conference held atButler April 16-17, 1956; Radio Station WMIB; Final Results of the FifthNational Contest in Public Discussion 1955-1956; Debate Scorecard; memorandumfor visiting coaches; “The Broken Doll”; “Man or Robot?” By George Mendenhall;and “Victory in a Vacuum” by Ten McLaughlin.

Tau Kappa Alpha 1956-1957: Information Concerningthe Speaker-of-the-Year Awards and the TKA Society; The National Board of Awardof TKA (Speech Honor Society); After-Dinner Speaking Results; GeneralInstructions for After-Dinner Speaking; Tentative Schedule; General Instructionsfor Public Speaking; General Instructions for the Congress; List of schoolsparticipating in TKA National Conference 1956; information to faculty advisors;handwritten information on registration 1/31/56; typed correspondences aboutreservations; 15th Annual TKA Midwestern Regional DiscussionConference program; TKA National Conference Results; TKA National Conferencebooklet, Manchester participating, “The Speaker”, revisions for theinstructions for Discussion, ballot, and gratitude for housing; handwrittennote about invitation set-u for Notre Dame Conference; and 17thAnnual Conference of TKA Butler University program.    

Tau Kappa Alpha 1957-1958: Government Bill ofLading; list of universities in Europe; Suggested Procedure for Subcommittees;typed correspondence about successes of Sixteenth Annual Midwestern RegionalConference of TKA; receipt; reservations; Resolution to the Sixteenth AnnualTKA Conference; and Subcommittee Assignments.

Tau Kappa Alpha 1959-1960: TKA Conference notes;Requisition for Lodging Regional TKA Conference; handwritten notes; typedcorrespondences about plans of TKA at Manchester and announcement to Manchesterfaculty and staff about students visiting; Manchester Forensic Union presentsThe Parliamentary Debate April 28, 1959 program; Thirteenth Debate Tournament;course syllabus Speech 319; Twelfth Annual UIC Freshman-Sophomore DebateTournament Final Notice and invitation; Final Registration sheet; TwentiethAnnual TKA Forensic Conference; handwritten list of staff and announcers;request of catalogue of radio equipment; eighth annual North-South DebateTournament; Wisconsin-Milwaukee Fourth Debate Tournament; Fourteenth NationalDebate Tournament Final Results; NDT 1960 program; 7 Days in Salt Lake Citybrochure; and map of University of Utah campus.

Forensics 1952 and 1951: Rules for First NationalContest in Discussion; typed correspondence about results and tape recordings;National Contest in Public Discussion certificate awarded to Manchester CollegeApril 2, 1952; National Contest in Public Discussion scores; Winning Entries;invitation to National Contest in Public Discussion; typed correspondences toinvite Manchester to participate in tournaments; Senior Series; and OratoryPreliminary Round.

Forensics 1953: Entries for Novice Tournament;Information and Instructions for Novice Tournament; 21st AnnualDebate Tournament date; Debate Critiques; Information sheet; Sixth Annual DeltaSigma Rho competition information and schedule; round I and II negatives; FinalResults of Delta Sigma Rho; Purdue Novice Invitational Debate Meet InformationSheet; and Ballots.

Forensics 1954: Committee of Tau Kappa AlphaJanuary 1954; 22nd Annual Invitational Debate Tournament Results andCross Examination Debate; typed correspondence about plaque; Results of SeventhAnnual Novice Debate Tournament; Seventh Annual DePauw Delta Sigma Rho DebateTournament information; Eighth Annual Hoosier Forensic Conference DebateResults; Judge’s Instruction Sheet; Discussion Outline; Debate Sheet; typedcorrespondence about final registration; Discussion Group Arrangement Foyer ofAuditorium; Eighth Annual Hoosier Forensic Conference information; DebateEvaluation Ballots; Eighth Annual Purdue Novice Debate information; typedcorrespondences about fifth annual Freshman-Sophomore debate tournament; andResults of the First Three Rounds UIC Tournament Dec. 11, 1954.

Forensics 1955: Table of 25 Most Frequently UsedParliamentary Motions; Table of Parliamentary Motions; As I Saw This Discussionblank form; Article son Debate in the Forensic Pi Kappa Delta; Rules andProcedures for the Problem Solving Plan; blank Questionnaire form; SpeechInformation Blank; Rules and Procedures in the Heckling Plan of Debate;Instructions for Michigan-Style Cross-Examination; Negative: Advantages ofCounterplan; Discussion; Mid-Semester Examination Speech 312; Discussion 66: Aformula for Total Participation; Instructions for “Leaderless” GroupDiscussion; Round 4; Round 3; Team Results; Results of Eighth Annual UIC Freshman-SophomoreDebate Tournament Dec. 10, 1955; reservations; Results of Eighth Annual NoviceDebate Tournament Feb. 12, 1955; Judging Scale Ballots; Key to Location ofDebates; Eighth Annual DSR Invitational Debate Tournament Final Results;Judge’s Ballot; Eighth Annual DePauw Debate Tourney Preliminary Results;Results Tenth Annual Hoosier Forensic Conference Feb. 24-25, 1956; and PublicSpeaking Evaluation Sheet.

Forensics 1956: Ninth Annual Delta Sigma RhoInvitational Debate Tournament Results; Bradley’s annual speech tournamentinformation; information about Ninth Annual DSR Invitational; Discussionballots; Discussion and Debate; Negative Debate Rating Ballot; blank Bradley SpeechTournament certificates; and Tenth Annual Purdue Novice Debate Meetinformation.

Forensics 1957: Announcing Twin O.S.U. SpeechTournament; typed correspondence about entrance fee; 20th DebateTournament; AFA Ballots; Eastern Illinois Tournament Results; Purdue NoviceTournament Feb. 9, 1957 Schedule of Debates; Judging Scale Ballots; Results ofPurdue Novice Tournament; Tenth Annual Depauw Delta Sigma Rho InvitationalDebate Tournament program; judge’s ballots; Tenth Annual DSR Invitational listof schools; National Contest in Public Discussion entry; and Sectional Resultsof the Sixth National Contest in Public Discussion 1956-1957.

Forensics 1959: Invitation to participate inIllinois State Normal University Forensic Tournament; invitation to TwelfthAnnual Cross-Examination Debate Tournament Dec. 11-12, 1960; Cross-ExaminationTournament program; invitation to Seventh Annual Novice Debate Tournament Dec.5, 1959; invitation to Fourteenth Annual Hoosier Debate Tournament Feb. 27,1960; invitation to pre-holiday debate tournament at Earlham on Dec. 12, 1959;information about 14th National Debate Tournament; correspondenceabout peace churches tournament; invitation to Anderson College’s Second AnnualInvitational Debate Tournament; invitation to Anderson College’s firstinvitational debate tournament; itinerary for Earlham tournament; handwrittennotes; individual ratings; and typed correspondence about topics forextemporaneous speaking, deadline, and parking for Illinois State NormalUniversity tournament.

Forensics 1960 January-February: Typedcorrespondences about Illinois State Normal University invitational debate;review of entry form from Manchester; Illinois State Normal University scheduleand rules; Discussion Outline for I.S.N.U.; AFA Debate Ballot; Judges CritiqueSheet; Judging Assignments; Campus Map of I.S.N.U., and program for I.S.N.U.;invitation to Pitt’s Sixth Annual Spring Novice Debate Tournament; informationabout 2nd Annual Miami University Cross-Examination DebateTournament; typed correspondences about debates and OSU celebrating its goldenanniversary; Tentative Tournament Schedule for OSU; The Gavel Tournament;Invitation to 23rd Annual Debate at Eastern Illinois University Feb.6, 1960; information for judges; E.I.U. Debate Ballot; results; setting a datefor foursome debate; Final Registration Information 13th AnnualPurdue Novice Invitational Debate Tournament Feb. 13, 1960; Instructions for 13thAnnual Purdue Novice Invitational Debate Tournament; information about NoviceInvitational; Thirteenth Annual DePauw Delta Sigma Rho Tournament; Rules andProcedures for Cross-Questioning Debate; schedule for 13th AnnualD.S.R. Invitational; handwritten notes; individual ratings; Tournament History1948-1960; Instructions for the Judges; Roster of Debaters and Judges; typedcorrespondence expressing delight for participation in 14th AnnualHoosier Debate Tournament; and 13th Annual Hoosier Debate Tournamentprogram.

Forensics 1960 March-December: invitation for 2ndAnnual Cross-Examination Debate Tournament March 11-12, 1960; 2ndAnnual Cross-Examination Debate schedule of events; program for 2ndAnnual Cross-Examination Debate; black and white photo of awards; typedcorrespondences about Manchester not coming to 2nd Annual CrossExamination Debate Tournament and information about Region V West PointQualifying Tournament; Ball State Chapter of TKA Information; information onSecond Pitt Summer Tournament; Apply Blossom Festival May 11-14, 1960 program;possible Midwest Forensic Association tourney; invitation to Group ActionTournament; information about 13th Annual Cross-Examination DebateTournament; travel and housing information; information about Butler holding 8thAnnual Novice Debate Tournament; 2-day forensic program at Indiana StateTeachers College; health insurance; “A Committee Hearing and Symposium EntitledHealth Insurance: Voluntary or Compulsory?” program; Midwest ForensicAssociation sponsoring tournament on Apr. 7-8, 1961; “A Committee Hearing and Symposiumentitled Non-Communist Economic Unity” program; Anderson College tournament; 4thAnnual Intercollegiate Forensics Tournament information; Achievement in SpeechMaking; Public Speaking Results; Discussion; Oral Interpretation Results;Novice Debate Schedule; American Forensic Association Debate Ballot; NationalQuestion; handwritten notes; National Contest in Public Discussion; invitationto enter 11th Annual National Contest in Public Discussion;announcement about 15th Annual Hoosier Debate Tournament; 14thAnnual Purdue Novice Debate; invitation to 10th Annual Contest inPublic Debate; registration reminder for 29th Annual ForensicsTournament; information about 15th Annual Purdue Novice Debate Meet;invitation from Illinois Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta to participate in 15thAnnual Northern Illinois University; and hotel reservations.

Forensics January-February 1961: 3rdAnnual Flint Community Junior College Freshman-Sophomore debate tournament;ISNU Forensics Tournament; invitation to 26th Annual Illinois StateNormal University Forensics Tournament; registration for ISNU ForensicsTournament; ISNU 29th Annual Forensics Tournament booklet; CritiqueForm; Instructions for Contestants and Judges in Oratory; American ForensicAssociation Debate Ballot; Championship Division Debate Results; JudgingAssignments; Extemporaneous Speaking Results, Oral Interpretation Results,Oratory Results ISNU Forensics Tournament; General Information for FlintCommunity Junior College Third Annual Freshman-Sophomore Debate Tournament; 30thRocky Mountain Speech Conference Preliminary Program; 29th RockyMountain Speech Program Preliminary Program; Flint’s 3rd AnnualFreshman-Sophomore Debate Tournament program; AFA Debate Ballot; NoviceDivision; handwritten ballots; Published Proceedings 30th RockyMountain Speech Conference; invitation to ISNU Midwest Forensic AssociationDebate Tournament; American Forensic Association; Midwest Forensic AssociationDebate Tournament Schedule; 15th Annual Hoosier Debate Tournament;E.I.U. Debate Tournament; handwritten notes; E.I.U. 24th AnnualDebate Tournament Results; invitation to Pitt’s Seventh Annual Spring NoviceDebate Tournament; Travel and Housing information for Pitt’s Tournament; 10thAnnual Contest in Public Discussion Central States; Critiques; 10thNational Contest in Public Discussion Advancing to Quarterfinal Round list;National Contest in Public Discussion; and Final Results for 10thAnnual National Contest in Public Discussion 1961.

Forensics February-December 1961: Confirmation ofinformation for Purdue Novice Debate Tournament; Final Registration Informationfor Purdue Novice Debate Tournament; information for DePauw’s Chapter of DSR;Rules and Procedures for Cross Question Debating; Judge’s Ballots; results forDePauw University’s debate; instructions for judges; schedule for round I andII; Roster of Debaters and Judges at DePauw debate; Hoosier Debate Tournament –Revised Schedule; Tine Schedule for Hoosier Debate; AFA Debate Ballot; resultsof Hoosier Debate Tournament; confirmation of Flint Community Junior CollegeDebate; announcement of Ball State’s 4th Annual Tulip Tournament; MCattending forensic meet at Miami University; Miami University debate summary;Miami University information about debate; Extemporaneous Speakers Finals;topics for Miami University; invitation to participate at Miami University;Cross-Examination; Official Current Event Speaking Ballot; AFA Debate Ballot;Miami University Debate Results; Midwest Forensic Association Debate TournamentSchedule; Midwest Forensic Association Instruction to Judges; American ForensicAssociation blank form; MFA Ballot; AFA Debate Ballot; List of Division A andDivision B; schools attending Ball State Tulip Tournament; List of schoolsattending Ball State TKA Tournament; Ball State Judges Instructions; Ball Stateinformation for debaters; University of Chicago Forensics Associationinvitation;  Tentative TournamentSchedule; information about Ninth Annual Novice Debate Tournament; informationabout judging Fourteenth Annual Cross-Examination Debate Tournament; TheRegister; invitation to Second Annual Group Action Tournament at Michigan StateUniversity; modifications to 14th annual Forensic Tournament;invitation to Miami University’s 4th Annual Forensic Tournament;invitation to First National University of Chicago Debate Tournament;confirmation of attendance; invitation to Anderson’s Third Annual InvitationalDebate Tournament; Progress Report on November 3 Program; Fifth Annual I.S.C.Intercollegiate Forensic Tournament; Oral Interpretation Tentative Schedule;Report on the Goshen Tournament to Date; “Anti-Trust Laws for Labor?” program;Oral Interpretation results; Public Speaking Results; Varsity Debate Results; AFADebate Ballot; Varsity Debate Schedule; information and schedule of FifthAnnual Intercollegiate Forensics Tournament; Achievements in Reading Aloud;Schedule of Tournament Events for University of Chicago National ForensicTournament; Specification 20th Annual Buckeye Debate Tournament;blank entry form for Buckeye Debate Tournament; and invitation to IndianaUniversity’s 6th Annual Hoosier Debate Tournament.

Forensics 1962: Invitation to 4thAnnual Flint Community Junior College Freshman-Sophomore Debate Tournament; 6thannual Hoosier Debate Tournament; The Ball State Gavel Tournament; confirmationof registration to Gavel Tournament; invitation to 30th AnnualForensics Tournament at ISNU; AFA Debate Ballot; invitation to 25thAnnual Debate Tournament at Eastern Illinois University; Schedule of Events;invitation t 8th Annual Spring Novice Tournament; blank entry form;“Preliminary Program” for 31st Rocky Mountains Speech Conference;Anderson College Debate Tournament schedule; Debate Judge Sheet; OfficialResults of Anderson College 1962 Debate Tournament; invitation to 15thAnnual Debate Tournament; blank entry form to 16th Annual HoosierDebate Tournament; information about Miami University Forensics Tournament;Rules and Suggestions for Cross-Examination Debate; Debate Results; thank younote for attending Miami University; Original Oratory for Miami University;Instructions to Judges; Official Current Event (Extempore) Speaking Ballot; 22Team Debate Schedule; general information and rules for Miami University; Scheduleof Events and Recognition of Miami University’s Tournament; “Flint’s 4thAnnual Freshman-Sophomore Debate Tournament” program; General information forFlint’s Tournament; invitation to Marquette University for 2ndAnnual Midwest Forensic Association Debate Tournament; AFA information; FinalReport of the Eleventh National Contest in Public Discussion 1961-1962;addition of 4 1-day tournaments at Pitt; October Debate Entry blank form;January Debate Entry blank form; invitation to University of Chicago ForensicAssociation’s Debate Tournament; invitation to Miami University; TentativeSchedule at Miami University; Goshen College Tournament; cancellation of plans;Progress Report on “Non-Communist Economic Unity”; Sixth Annual I.S.C. IntercollegiateForensic Tournament; Information on Hotels – Motels Terre Haute, IN.; SpeechRating Blank; Varsity Debate Results; Results Oral Interpretation; NoviceDebate Results; Indiana State College Varsity Debate; Indiana State CollegeNovice Debate; Oral Interpretation; Discussion; invitation for novice debatersto participate in 16th Annual Purdue Novice Debate Meet; Blank entryform; Specifications 21st Annual Buckeye Debate Tournament; andinformation about 17th Annual Hoosier Debate Tournament.

Forensics 1963: Newspaper clipping about debatersat DePauw; invitation to ISNU 31st Annual Forensics Tournament;invitation to Indian Oratorical Association contest at DePauw; blankregistration form for oratory contest; schedule; handwritten notes; E.I.U.Debate Ballot affirmative and negative; E.I.U. 26th Annual Debate Tournament Results; map of school;AFA Debate Ballot; Information for Judges; Gavel Tournament January 12, 1963;Gavel Tournament Novice Division; information about 17th AnnualHoosier Debate Tournament; Purdue Novice Debate Tournament form; 16thAnnual Purdue Novice Debate Tournament schedule; Final Registration Informationfor Purdue Debate; Purdue Novice Debate Tournament Results; information aboutMidwestern Forensic Association; DePauw University 16th DSRInvitational Debate Tournament; Rules and Procedures for Cross QuestionDebating; Roster of Debaters and Judges; Instructions for the Judges; Schedulefor Rounds I and II; information for DePauw Chapter; Judge’s ballot;“Tournament History 1948-1962 DePauw DSR Debate Tournament” program;information for DePauw Tournament; 17th Annual Hoosier DebateTournament blank Registration Form; Annual Hoosier Debate Schedule; MiamiUniversity Forensic Society Official Ballot for Persuasive Speaking; informationfor 5th Annual Forensic Tournament at Miami University; critiquecards;  Miami Debate Results; invitationto 1st Annual Northern Novice Tournament; general information for 1stAnnual Northern Novice Tournament; schedule and instruction for judges; Extemp.Topics; Results N.I.U. Novice; Oratory Round II; instructions page for NationalDebate Tournament at West Point; and The Gavel Debate Tournament at Ball StateUniversity.

Forensic Tournament 1964: Invitation to 32ndAnnual Forensics Tournament at ISNU; information about ISNU Tournament;Tournament schedule; AFA Debate Ballot; Ball State Teachers Collegeregistration confirmation; Varsity Division; Gavel Tournament at Ball State;deleting Persuasive section in Miami University Forensic Tournament; informationabout Miami University Forensic Tournament; invitation to Miami’s ForensicTournament; Miami University Cross-Examination Tournament Results ofPreliminary Rounds; Miami’s Debate Schedule; and congratulations letter fromMiami University for participating.

Forensics 2 Large Box 63

Debate Team Memorabilia: “Manchester DebateTournament 1941” program; Oak Leaves February 20, 1940; certificates 1993Manchester College Department of Communication Studies and Manchester ForensicsUnion recognizing Brian Kerbel, Michelle Reunion, Amanda Kreps, Carrie Dearth,Kristi Zimmerman, Kendra Allen, Stephanie LaFontaine, Cheryl Cripe, Jenna Oke,Lori Down, and Tim Keffaber; newspaper article clippings about debaters andresults spanning from 1958-1985; and “Manchester College Debate Schedule 1930”program.

Speech Forensics TKA: “Rules and Regulations… aflowering of the liberal arts curriculum” program; “American ForensicAssociation Code for Contests in Oratory” program; memorandum about studentswho participated in ISTA and SNEA conferences; list of directors of debateclubs at different colleges; list of debaters and managers at ManchesterCollege; Comprehensive Area: Speech; Restricted Area: Speech; KaylorExtemporaneous Speaking Contest; “An Invitation to Students with PotentialInterest in Speakers Bureau; pg. 3 of speech.

Speech Department Voice Recording Ledger: list ofstudents in debate and speech.

Manchester College Debate History: 2 copies of aletter from George E. Beauchamp to Dr. Larry Underberg about Beauchamp’sexperience as debate director; and Forensics-Debate History from yearbooks from1910-1983 – 22 pages.

Debate: Oak Leaves May 15 – article aboutInter-Collegiate Debate.

Correspondence – General: 1958-1963.

Debate 1958-1989 News Releases: news releasesabout the debate teams competing and results.

1930-1931: List of Debating and Oratory Awards for1930-31; List of Debaters and Orators (Intercollegiate) Who are Eligible forMembership in the Alumni Forensic Association of MC; Forensic Awards 1930-31;list of 1930 participants; MC Debate Schedule; Special to the Daily Tribunenews release; .

1931-1932: List of Debaters 1931-32.

1933-1934: Forensic Awards 1933-34.

1934-1935: facts about PKD; Petition Submitted inPartial Fulfillment of the Requirements for a Chapter of TKA by MC; Response toTKA; and handwritten notes.

1935-1936: TKA Ritual; interest in having TKA oncampus; 2 copies of Petition Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of theRequirements for a Chapter of TKA by MC April 1936; TKA formally installed;Complete Ritual of TKA; authorization of Charter of TKA.

1936-1937: Reports of Initiation; TKA Ritual;Forensic Awards 1936-37; list of debaters 1936-37; Awards 1936-37; TKA ActiveMembers 1937; sponsoring Marin College students.

1937-1938: list of TKA Members; ManchesterDebaters 1937-1938.

1939-1940: Debate Awards 1939-1940.

Miscellaneous Samples and Extras 1938-1939 Tickets,Schedules, Results, etc.: Lunch and Dinner tickets; Results of A Teams atManchester; MC Debate Schedule; List of 1938-39 Debaters; Forensic Awards1938-39; Manchester-Huntington Invitational Debate Tournament; NM Map;Manchester Debate Tournament B Division.

1940-1941: Constitution of TKA Fraternity;By-Laws; Information concerning TKA; Extemp. Finals, 1940 Ballot; Manchester1940 Schedule A Division; Schedule for Judges; B Division Schedule – CenralH.S.; Results-Eleventh Annual Manchester-Huntington Debate Tournament - 1940.

Sample of Materials Used for Tournament (1941-42):Program of Manchester Debate Tournament 1941; Compliments of The PeabodySeating Company; enrollment; Forensic Awards 1941-42; Forensic Awards1942;  Schedule for Timekeepers Round 1and 2; Friday Schedule; scores for colleges divided by states; first yearmaterial mailed out to colleges about debate tournament.

Results, 1942-43 Tournament: Indiana StateDebating League 16th Annual State Finals Schedule of Events Round I;Colleges enrolled in 1941 Debate Tournament; Schools interested in attendingManchester-Huntington Debate for 1941-42; Sent letter to for 1942 DebateTourney; Friday Schedule for all rounds; Judge’s Decision Card; Extemp. Finals,1942; Results Manchester Tournament 1942.

Sample of Materials 1943 Tournament M.C.:Manchester Annual Debate Tournament; Friday Schedule A Group Thomas Marshall1943; Friday Schedule 3 Group 1943; Schedule for Timekeepers; Results sheet 1.

College Tournament 1945-46: Consenting to judgetournament; letter of gratitude; “Forty-Five Minutes and Bobbie” by SuzanneEiler; 6 copies of MC Annual Debate Tournament Schedule of Events; IndianaState Tournament school scores; Round I, II, III, IV Totals.

1946-1947: offer for Cole Brembuck to be oneditorial staff of “The Speaker”; Judge’s Ballot; 12th Annual IndianOratorical Association Contest for Women information; receipt; handwritten andtyped correspondences; information for Orators and Coaches participating inInterstate Oratorical Association; TKA Official Blank Form; copy of MembershipCertificate Order dated May 18, 1947 with names including Jack Butler, GlenWilliam Crege, Kays Lowell Miller, Melvin H. Hall, Elsie Resonita, Everett E.Wilson, and Raph D. Yeney; list of Activity Members receiving credit; list ofPast Debaters since 1913; Forensic Awards 1949-50; Minutes of the IndianaOratorical Association; Constitution of the Interstate Oratorical Association1946-47.

1948-1949: Debate Awards for School Year 1948-49;Forensic Awards 1948-49.

Mr. Roland – IN 1949-1950: “TKA Ritual” programpublished by National Office May 1949; TKA Official Order Blank; Speech Awardsfor 1949-1950; correspondence between Arthur Cable and Paul W. Keller in 1950;2 copies of “Buried Treasure” by William Gorden presented at Indiana State OratoricalContest at Saint Mary of the Woods College on February 13, 1950; correspondencebetween Jeanine Wine and Gorden.

State Peace Speech Contest (Up to 1950-51): 3copies of “Rules and Regulations for the Intercollegiate Peace SpeechAssociation”; 1947 Peace Oratorical and Extempore Speaking contests at IndianaCentral College; correspondences about revisions; “Constitution of theInterstate Oratorical Association 1947-1948”; schedule for Peace Oratorical andExtempore Speaking contest; 2 copies of “The Intercollegiate Peace SpeechAssociation report of the Executive Secretary for the 43rd Year1948-49”; correspondence about and copy of Indiana Peace Speech Association1950 General Procedure; Peace Speech contests 1950; correspondence aboutoutline of State Peace Speech Contests; May 16, 1950 Minutes of the IndianaState Peace Oratorical Association; Proposed Constitution of the Indiana SpeechAssociation as of October 12, 1950; invitation to TKA at National Conference;Indiana Oratorical Association The 16th Annual Contest for Womeninformation; Indiana Oratorical Association The 77th Annual Contestfor Men information; information about Earlham’s contest and schedule for menand women’s; Wachtel Achievement Award of TKA presented to Dale Barnard 1951;Proposed Indiana Speech Association; Official Program for Ball State TeachersCollege; TKA Official Order Blank; List of Debators (1913-1950 inclusive);Forensic Awards 1950-51; TKA Newsletter Indiana-Michigan Region; AlternateProposals; “He Failed: Will We?” by P. Goodmiller; Extemp. Men’s and Women’sContest results; “Intercollegiate Peace Association Report of the ExecutiveSecretary for 1944-45; Standing Committees 1953-54.

State Peace Speech Committee (1951-52): TKAluncheon; report of 1951 contests, business meetings, and 1951-52announcements; correspondences about State Oratorical Contest and word limit;correspondence about rooming situations; Indiana Oratorical Association The 78thAnnual Contest for Men information; Report of meeting held at Indiana StateTeachers College February 15, 1952; correspondence about the Cable Award;Minutes of March 15, 1952 Meeting;  Men’sExtemporaneous Speaking Contest; Men’s Oratorical Contest; memo aboutIntercollegiate Peace Speech Association Contest; Oak Leaves article aboutorators taking first in state; invoice; TKA Official Order Blank; CharteredChapters of TKA; Map of Regions and Chapters of TKA, 1952; IndianaIntercollegiate Peace Speech Association 1952 General Procedures; TKA chapterestablished at Memphis State College, TN; “The Intercollegiate PeaceAssociation Report of the Executive Secretary for the 45th Year –1950-1951”; 2 copies of “The Fifth Freedom” by Wanda Perrod; “TheIntercollegiate Peace Speech Association Report of the Executive Secretary for the46th Year 1951-52”; Constitution of the Interstate OratoricalAssociation 1951-52; Forensic Awards 1951-52; Men’s and Women’s ExtemporaSpeaking; blank form; results.

State Peace Speech Contest (1952-53): “RevisedConstitution of the Interstate Oratorical Association” booklet; “TheIntercollegiate Peace Speech Association Report of the Executive Secretary forthe 47th Year 1952-53; state winners; Winning Orations; tentativeagenda; Intercollegiate Peace Speech Association Program and Business Meeting;correspondences between Dr. Orville Johnson and Paul W. Keller; Local PeaceSpeech Contests; Indiana Oratorical Association The 79th YearContest for Men information; call-out for schools to participate; recipient ofCable Award Jack Bormuth; TKA Official Order Blank; Treasurer’s Report; IndianaIntercollegiate Peace Speech Association General Procedure; Rules andRegulations for the Intercollegiate Peace Speech Association; judge’s notes;Intramural Tournament; Judge’s Ballot affirmative and negative; filled outevaluation forms; Speech Evaluation Sheet; Tentative Lineup for FutureSchedule; Fair Employment Practices Law; Report on Forensic Activities for1952-53; Forensic Awards 1952-53.

State Peace Speech Contest (1953-54): applicationand order forms for two pledges; initiation of William C. Clarke and CloydLeroy Dye, Jr.; invitation to discuss “That the U.S. should adopt a policy forfree trade”; Debate Bibliography; Free Trade questions; “How Can PresentProcedures and Practices of Congressional Investigation Committees beImproved?”; Negative and Affirmative; debate meeting; membership certificatesfor Patricia Thomas and Richard Weick; Cassel ad Shields winning tournament;Intramural Debate Tournament; But What of Discussion; “It’s Been Real – Or HasIt?” by Patricia Haynes; Indiana Oratorical Association The 80thAnnual Contest for Men information; resulst of men’s and women’s contest;debate award keys; Pat Thomas receiving Cable Award; Judge Ratings in theContest of the Intercollegiate Peace Speech Association April 30, 1954;Intercollegiate Peace Speech Association Contest; TKA Official Order Blank;Debate Tournament; Outline for Speech Critique; Evaluation of affirmative andnegative; information about affirmative teams; Report of Forensic Activitiesfor the Year 1953-54; Schedule for Practice Debates; Manchester DiscussionConference form; Manchester College Discussion Conference Schedule; ForensicAwards 1953-54; IN-MI Regional TKA; Men’s and Women’s Oratory, ExtemporeSpeaking, General Information; Constitution of the Interstate OratoricalAssociation 1954-55.

State Peace Speech Contest (1954-55): ForensicAwards 1954-55; money; scholastic indexes; Judge’s ratings in the Contests ofIntercollegiate Peace Speech Association; Intercollegiate Peace SpeechAssociation 1955 General Procedure; Final Ballot on Topics for 1955-56;“Intercollegiate Peace Speech Association Report of the Executive Secretary forthe 49th Year, 1954-55”; correspondence about forensic award; FourYear Debate Awards; Preview of Coming Speech Events; correspondence requestinginformation about debate topic and discussion questions; information forIndiana Oratorical Association’s 81st annual contest; IntramuralTournament affirmative and negative; Intramural Debate Tournament; evaluation;Cable Award Winners and their Present Occupations; Intercollegiate Peace SpeechAssociation award for First Prize in State Extemporaneous Contest for Womengiven to Mary Ann Dunbar in May 1955; Intercollegiate Peace Speech Associationaward for Second Prize in State Oratorical Contest for Women given to MaryAlice Gilchrist; “The Speaker of TKA Presents A Manual of T.K.A.” booklet.

State Peace Speech Contest (1955-56): newspaperclippings with photos and information about varsity debaters winning 71% ofyear’s matches, affirmatives, Manchester pupils serving at Model UN, Manchesterrepresenting at State Oratorical Contest; Mary Ann Dunbar and Don Terry tyingfor first place, Manchester representatives taking top position in publicspeaking in fifth in annual Hoosier Forensic Conference, and Manchesterdebaters discussing Red China; report of 1954 contests and business meetings,and announcements for 1954-55; general charge; Extemp. Contest; newspaperclippings about debate meetings and Shirley Eis winning Extemporaneous SpeechContest; Orientation to the Activity; “Guaranteed Annual Wage” Brief; Judge’sBallot; additional money in debate budget; Extempore Speaking Ballot; List oftopics for extempore speaking; Interstate Oratorical Contest, 1956; flyer forGolden Anniversary Contests; Debate Session; Guaranteed Annual wage; History ofGAW; Criticism on Debate Technique; Speech Items for Spring Term; PotentialDebate Toruneys; TKA Newsletter; Ohio State Debaters; evaluation sheets foraffirmative and negative; Debate Scorecard; handwritten notes; evaluations onManchester letterhead; Financial Account 1955-56; Forensic Award 1955-56; TKAOfficial Order Blank; State Speech Contests.

1956-1957: Discussion Rating Sheet; AdvocacySpeech Evaluation Form; General Instructions for Discussion; 4-Man DebateResults; 15th Annual TKA Midwest Regional Discussion Conference;Discussion Outline; Panel Assignments; handwritten notes.

Kaylor Extemp. Contest 1959-1960: Tapes; ApprovedBudgets for 1959-60; budget requests; Chapter Reports; Intercollegiate PeaceSpeech Association Report for the Executive Secretary for the 54thYear; TKA Chapter Dues; New Memberships for 1959-60; “Indiana SpeechAssociation Annual Spring Conference” program; “Certification Requirements forTeachers of Speech Proposals of Committee 16A: State of Indiana; Records of1959-60 Activities; Other Methods or Variables for Instructor Critique; 1959Kaylor Contest; Suggestions for Next Year’s Chairman; Kaylor Extemp Contest1958-59 evaluation; Kaylor Public Speaking Contest Ballot; news clippingarticles about Johansen placing first and Extemporaneous Speech Contest date;Freshman and Sophomore flyer; Kaylor Extemporaneous Speaking Contest Judges Ballot;Roster of Paid Members; information about ISA, IHSFA, and ISTA; AdvanceAnnouncement; “A Resolution Adopted by the Legislative Assembly” SpeechAssociation of America; Certification Requirements for Teachers of SpeechProposal of Committee 16A; State of Indiana; report of Committee 16-A to Stateof Teacher Training and Licensing; Announcement about Kaylor MemorialExtemporaneous Speaking Contest; press release about 200 high school studentsfrom 20 schools participating in forensic tournament at MC and MHS.

1960-1961: TKA affairs; August 31 progress reporton chapter standings during 1959-1960; twenty chapters not paying dues; Annualchapter dues for 1960-61; Open Meeting of TKA Chapter Sponsors; invitation toIndiana Oratorical Association contest; Intercollegiate Peace SpeechAssociation program; Report of Midwest Region of TKA; TKA Chapter InformationChart, Prepared for all TKA Chapters; handwritten notes; Debate expenditures;Speech Department Listings for Awards Day; Constitution of the Indiana OratoricalAssociation; Indiana Oratorical Association; Information concerning theSpaker-of-the-Year Awards and the TKA Society; Status of the Charts; TKAChapter Report.

1961-1962: 2 copies of The Speaker of TKA presentsA Manual of T.K.A.; Intercollegiate Peace Speech Association Report of theExecutive Secretary for the 55h Year, 1960-61; Speech Department Budget Items;Midwest Region TKA; annual contests and business meeting of the I.O.A; KaylorMemorial Extemporaneous Speaking Contest Freshmen and Sophomores;correspondences; faclty orders of books from library budget; membership ofArthur Gish; budget request; Report for 1961-1962; Notice from the BalfourCompany; score; Observation Report Sheet; topics of discussion; Issues beforeCongress; Course Syllabus for Speech 107 – Oral Communications.

1962-1963: money; replacement for Orville Johnsonon TKA Alumni Affairs Committee; copy of the proposed changes in theConstitution of the Indiana Speech Association; Constitution of the IndianaSpeech Association; “The Challenge of Jobless Youth” President’s Council onYouth Employment pamphlet, April 24, 1963, 40 pages; initiating membership ofPeggy Gish; budget requests and changes; Intercollegiate Peace SpeechAssociation Report of the Executive Secretary for the 56th Year,1962-1963; Announcement to Freshmen and Sophomores Kaylor MemorialExtemporaneous Speaking Contest; Kaylor Notices to Sophomores; “A Decade ofProgress 1953-1963 at Beta Zeta of PKS” program; “Hiram Debates” program; TKAChapter Report; handwritten notes.

1963-1964: advisability of Circle K; activitiescommittee meeting about Circle K; Peace Speech Association on campus; Receiptsin the National Office; invitation to Indiana Oratorical Association contest;registration form for women’s and men’s contest; correspondence between PaulKeller and Otis Aggertt; Indiana Intercollegiate Peace Speech AssociationGeneral Procedure; Extemporaneous Topics; Activities Committee; state contests;information about employment; “Youth Employment Act” by Sar A. Levitan;Statewide Contests; “Intercollegiate Speech Tournament Results 1963-1964”booklet; student activities; blank form about club; Annual Report of Club toActivities Committee; Manchester College Activity Program; Activities Schedule;Activity Record; schedule of events and participants; press release; assistancefor peace contest; State Peace Speech Contest; list of speeches andparticipants; application for Reservation on Activities Calendar 1963-64; mapof MC; Mailing List – Peace Speech Contest; 58th Annual ContestIndiana Peace Speech Association.

1964-1965: “Manchester Forensic UnionParliamentary Debate” program; “Another Day, Another Scholar” by Gordon L.Shull; DSR-TKA Distinguished Alumni Awards; WLW’s College Drama Workshop; ACSapproval of the Chemistry Department; Freshman Registration; “Writing the RadioDream” poem; Course Syllabus for Oral Communications; End of TermResponsibility; TKA merged into DSR-TKA. 

1965-1966: Faculty-Staff memo about upcomingdebate; receipt; MC participating at Peachtree; limited budgets; NorthernIllinois University Tournament; Final Round 13th Annual HarvardInvitational Debate Tournament; Freedom of Speech Newsletter March 1966;invitation to 14th Annual Novice Debate Tournament; data report onquestionnaire “Methods Used and/or Preferred in the Criticism of ClassroomSpeeches”; The Tulip Tournament; Central States Speech Association meeting atLaSalle Hotel; West Point-type National Tournament; plans for 5thAnnual Iowa State University Debate Tournament; date and place of 1967’scontests; Basic Principles of Speech 4th edition; list of peopleselected to serve on 1967 District V West Point Qualifying TournamentCommittee; rejection to go to University of Chicago; invitation to 7thAnnual Columbia International Tournament; Speech Interest Group Central StatesCollege Association; information for 20th National DebateTournament; A Report on Matters Pertaining to the Discontinuation of the WestPoint National Debate Tournament; Speech 107 Final Examination Key; 2 copies ofRules of the National DSR-TKA Congress; DSR-TKA Student Congress; certificateof award blank.

1966-1967: Minutes Forensic Associates; “What isCommunism”; Memorandum about use of Union Building for Class Meeting Sites;Minutes of the meeting of the Speech and Dramatic Art Faculty; Freshman Days;Speech for Teachers Fun and Games blank; speech flyer; 1967 Mardi Gras NationalInvitational Debate Tournament.

1971: MC Individual Events Tournament Certificateof Award blank copy.

1980-1989: Manchester Forensics Union 1980-1981Certificate of Participation blank; Manchester Forensics Union blankcertificate; Departmental Discussion of Forensics; 1984-1985 Budget forForensics Department; Report on Current Budgeted Income/Expense Accounts6/30/84, 6/30/85, 8/07/86, 6/10/86, 6/30/86; 1986-87 Budget Request Adjustment;part-time position in Public Address at MC; Manchester Forensics Union pre-organizational and organizationalmeeting; screening for speech/forensics/English position; Public Address-ForensicsSpeech Position; Manchester College Speaker of the Year; Speech Night;Congratulations on Speaker of the Year award; Manchester College Speaker of theYear program.

Award 1995: Dpt. Of Communication Studies andManchester Forensics Union: Certificate recognizing Jen Patterson withadditional names handwritten on the bottom: Jason Kendall, Sarah May, Heidistout, and Kein Stuckey.

Forensics Logo 1995-1996: 2 photocopies of logo –one with white background and one with black background.

1998: Forensics membership 1998-99 school year.

Forensics Award: Certificate 1995 recognizing GaryMoughler with additional names handwritten Kirby Van Vliet, Danel M. Nickels,Sarah B. Ladd, and Amy Graber.

Oral Speaking Rebate Evolution Forms and Guidelines:blank form for Manchester Invitational Tournament Oral InterpretationEvaluation; How to Write a Speech Analysis; Report on an Outside Speaker;Lecture Report; Manchester Invitational Tournament Oratory Ballot; JudgingBallot affirmative; Manchester Invitational Debate Ballot affirmative andnegative.

State-Interstate Oratorical Contest Manuscript: “MarkAntony’s Oration over Julius Caesar”; “Our Educational Spillways” by AlanFrantz; “Every One of Them” by Wayne – draft and final copy; “Two Worlds” byMary Fujii – 2 copies; draft of speech with handwritten notes; 2 copies of JackButler’s speech; “Through Japanese Eyes”; 2 copies of “Stepping Stones toCommunism” by Patrica Thomas; 2 copies of speech by Louise Childs; “Dare to beBrave” by Cloyd Dye; 2 copies of “Faith, the Great Stabilizer” by Cloyd Dye; “YouCan’t be Buried Here” by Cloyd Dye Jr.; “The Living Painting” by GeorgeMendenhall; 2 copies of “Can We Win the Future?” by Erich Hoffman; 2 copies of“These Who are Different”.

Forensics Miscellaneous: Manchester College DebateSquads; “resolved: that politics is for men without principles – a debate”;Parttime Faculty Position opening; Why Should I Participate in Debate flyer;Debate and Oratory Fiscal Years from 1955-1964; coloring pages or logo design;map of Novice Debate Association; blank certificate for outstanding achievementin Cross Examination Debate from Novice Debate Association; ManchesterForensics Union; Manchester Forensic Union Public Debate program; Constitutionof the Manchester Forensic Union; blank Critique pages (Humorous, Impromptu,Prose Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Extemporaneous, Persuasion,Poetry Interpretation, and Radio-TV); letter to Mr. Glenn Whitehead inenvelope.

Forensics Newspaper Clippings: 1956, 1958, 1959,1960, 1961, 1963, 1971, 1973, 1984, 1990.

Forensic Scrapbook: Brown scrapbook which includesNewspaper Clippings from 1958-1961 about debates scheduled, records, andresults. Loose leaf papers included in scrapbook now in folder attached toscrapbook.

Forensic Scrapbook: 3 copies of ParliamentaryDebate program; Article III: Membership; newspaper clipping titled “CollegeDebaters Score at Tourney”; 3 copies of blank certificates MC CollegeInvitational Forensic Tournament Certificate of Award; handwritten notes;Newspaper Clipping titled “Debaters Win”; Intercollegiate Peace SpeechAssociation Report of the Executive Secretary for the 57th Year,1963-64; black and white photo of MC debaters as well as debators from otherCentral States College Association school receiving background info on theproblem of crime from Chicago police department officials; Oak Leaves article“MC Debate Team Ends Season with Top Honors”; newspaper clipping titled“Debators ‘Getting Around’ to End Fall Season”; Second Lab Assignment; LabAssignment, Third Lab; Tests in Fallacies; Augmentation and Debate;Classification of Fallacies.

Date of AccessionUnknown
Bio History Note

See Also:  Manchester College Bulletin, June 1949 p.1; March 1951 p.3; Oak Leaves 13 October 1960 p.3; 3 November 1960 p.3; 10 November 1960 p.1, 3; 7 November 1963 p.1; 23 April 1964 p.3; 7 May 1964 p.2;  14 May 1964 p.1; 17 September 1964 p.3; 24 September 1964 p.1; 8 October 1964 p.1; 22 October 1964 p.1; 29 October 1964 p.4; 5 November 1964 p.2; 12 November 1964 p.2; 19 November 1964 p.1; 14 January 1965 p.3; 11 February 1965 p.1; 18 February 1965 p.1; 25 February 1965 p.1; 25 March 1965 p.1; 2 May 1991, p.1; Photo Box 90.

Archivist Note

Date of Accession: Unknown.

Description prepared 28 August 2002 by Sara L. Smith and updated 25 April 2019 by Zoe Vorndran and edited by Jeanine Wine.


Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000