Scope and Content | BW photograph of the original fountain, with College Avenue in the background. Postcard is labeled on front, "Fount on College Campus, North Manchester, Indiana." Back indicates it was sent from North Manchester to Miss Olive Dickey of Troy, Ohio. The note reads, "Hello, Olive: How are you by this time? I have been trying to get La Grippe [influenza]. It is snowing some here today. It is still pretty icy here. When we go out, it is either C sharp or B flat. Ha! ha! Rev. L.S. Bauman had 17 converts during his meeting with us. Ans. soon. Good-bye, Alpha."
Please note: Although the fountain itself is different from the fountain as pictured in other photographs in the archives, the authenticity is confirmed by comparing the basin, plant varieties and placement, and the location of the sidewalk.
