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Full listing > Accession MC2007/137: Mathea Rhetoria Society or Rhetoria - Mathea Society
Accession #MC2007/137: Mathea Rhetoria Society or Rhetoria - Mathea Society
TopicMathea Rhetoria Society or Rhetoria - Mathea Society: Records
KeywordsClubs, Groups, Organizations,
TitleMathea Rhetoria Society or Rhetoria -Financial Records of Manchester College
LocationShelves on the east wall of the IIS.
CitationMathea Rhetoria Society or Rhetoria -Financial Records of Manchester College, MC2007/137: Mathea Rhetoria Society or Rhetoria - Mathea Society, Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Funderburg Library, Manchester University, North Manchester, Indiana.
AccessPartially Restricted - Researchers are responsible for determining copyright status of archived materials where this is relevant to their intended use of the materials.
ProvenanceAccounting/financial records were stored in the Archives.
Scope and Content

Sept. 6, 1899 LEDGER BEGINNING:  Cash: $50,000.00     The books of the Commercial Exchange are this day opened with a capital Stock of Fifty Thousand, $50,000.00 Dollars.

AND       Nappanee College Ledger beginning Sept. 6, 1899

COLLECTION TICKLER 1893 - 1897(keep always)

COLLECTION REGISTER 1894 - 1904(keep always)

DEPOSIT LEDGER 1895-1897(keep always)

DEPOSITOR'S LEDGER 1898(keep always)  and  DEPOSITOR'S LEDGER 1899(keep always)

DEPOSITOR'S LEDGER 1897 - 1910(keep always)

DISCOUNT REGISTER 1894 - 1898(keep always)

DISCOUNT TICKLER 1893 - 1897(keep always)

DISCOUNT REGISTER: 1-24-1924 date of first note - through 1964.  Notes and dates when notes are due.

GENERAL LEDGER, PERMANENT FUND 1964 - 65, 1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68. (keep always)

GENERAL LEDGER 1925 - 1943. (keep always)

LEDGER 1893 - 1897: Ledger including Capital Stock and collections. (keep always) A paper containing 28 sentences was found in this book.  Perhaps used for speech classes. Also found were drafts for letters written by Otto Harris expressing sympathy for the loss of a loved one (Stimen, Wabash, IN, 1899), the death of a child (V. C. Frantz, Wabash, IN), railroad accident and loss of a limb (C. Funderburg, Wabash, IN), fire in home and loss of possessions (F. R. Dunn, Chicago, IL).

LEDGER for 1894 - 1897, JOURNAL, WHOLESALE OFFICE printed on spine.

Ledgers for 1895 - 1896, 1896 - 1897, 1897 - 1898, 1898 - 1899.

1895 - 1896 Day Book Ledger:

LEDGER, JOURNAL WHOLESALE 1899 written on cover.

September 1, 1896 - August 1897:  Handwritten record of income and expenses listing those such as S. S. Young, Howe, E. M. Crouch, Nannie Buck, Alice King (see 5-22-97), "Ad" in South Whitley News, donations, Bible School, Bookstore,

January 1 to June 30, 1898:  Handwritten record of income and expenses.

July 7, to December 12, 1898: Handwritten record of income and expenses. (Alice King 7-16-1898, A. B. Ulrey 7-19-1898, Ladies Home, Brickwork, Plastering, Stamps, Gasoline, etc.

December 12, 1898 to June 12, 1899: Handwritten record of income and expenses.

June 13 to December 21, 1899: Handwritten record of income and expenses.

January 3 1899 - April 20, 1905 Banking:  Property of Manchester College Bank.  Ross Flook, Cashier and Esta Butterbaugh, Assistant Cashier (E. M. Butterbaugh).  Waterdamaged book with mold.

LEDGER FOR 1898 - 1899 (400 on spine):  There is an alphabetized list of individuals and accounts  in the front of the book along with a page number where their expenses and income is itemized.

LEDGER for August 31,1898 - August 30, 1899: Manchester College and the Bible School.

LEDGER 1899 - 1900: Manchester College and the Bible School.

LEDGER 1901, 1902, 1930: Manchester College and the Bible School.

LEDGER for 1903 - 1904 (300-D on spine):  Account book for individuals such as M.C. President E. M. Crouch listing what he paid for kerosene, wood, apples, etc.  It also records his salary.  There is an alphabetized list of individuals and accounts (Tuition, Library, Diplomas, Laboratory, Ladies' Home) in the front of the book along with a page number where their expenses and income is itemized.

LEDGER for 1901 - 1903 (300 on spine):  This ledger includes student accounts.

LEDGER for 1903 - 1904: Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana.

LEDGER for 1903 - 1904 ( 6 COL. JOURNAL on spine): Of interest is a record on pg. 64, February 4, 1904 itemizing bushels and pounds of oats, potatoes, cheese, butter, beans etc.

LEDGER for 1899 - 1915 MISC - M.C. STOCK and DEBATE SCORES written on pages: There is a great variety of handwriting in this book and many pages "x'd" out in blue and black, along with personal names and addresses and comments (see pg. 149).  Page 263 is the start of some very bad handwriting and pg. 262 has this scrawling " are no good, wright you are full of BS."  Perhaps this was used as a practice book?

Ledgers for the Following Years, College Fund and General Fund: 1917, 1918, (1919, 1920, 1921, 1922 one book)

Ledger: 1921.

Expense Ledger: 1924 including deposits, check, Mdse., Sundry, postage & Telegram, Drayage, Wages.

Ledger:1918 - 1915 - 1916 showing student fees and other records, including bookstore etc (see back of book).

College Fund: (1919, 1920, 1921 one book). This book shows student, cash, account, tuition, board, room, incidental fee, library, laboratory, athletics, laundry, piano practice, typewrite practice, graduation fee.  College Fund: 1920 - 1921, 1921-1922 to 4-11 (one book).

College Fund: 1921 - 1923.

Ledger, No 1 Student Income 1922-1923.

Ledger, No 1 College Fund, written on red part of cover: Expense ledger 1922 - 1923 .

Ledger No 2 College Fund: 1924 - 1925.

Ledger, General Fund, written on red part of cover:  1922 - 1923.

Ledger, General Funds, written on red part of cover:  Appraisement of college property September 1, 1924 - 1925.  Bank, endowments, real estate.

Ledger, Student and Other Accounts: 1925.

Ledger, No 2 Student Income, written on red part of cover:  April 23, 1924 - April 27, 1925.

PLANT 1925 - 1940: A ratchet bound binder.  Endowment, endowment notes and interest listed by donor's or organization's/church's name, by amount, by month by year.

Student Accounts 1925 - 1929.

C. F. Expense Ledger: September 1925 - July 31, 1931.

C. F. Income: 1925 - 1937

CURRENT FUND AND INCOME JOURNAL July 1937 - July 31, 1951.  lists of income including cash brought in by basketball games, laboratory fees, dorm rent, typewriter and piano rental.

CURRENT FUND & EXPENSE JOURNAL: August 1, 1938 - July 31, 1948.


CURRENT FUND JOURNAL SHEETS RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS: August 1, 1951 to July 31, 1957 in disarray

Current Fund Journal Sheets Receipts & Disbursements: August 1, 1959 - July 31, 1961.

Current Fund Disbursements: Journal pages from 1961 - 1966 in disarray.

C. F. REC. and DISB.: 1966 - 1969

Current Fund: 1972 - 1973.

Plant Receipts: 1959 - 1967

Receipts: 1992 - 1993 (blue binder containing computer print-outs).

Expense Ledger: 1931 - 1932.

LOAN COMMITTEE RECORD BOOK:  1931 - 1944 (in one book). Loans issued by Manchester College on property and land.

Mount Morris Memorial Endowment Fund Held by General Education Board - Church of the Brethren - L. D. Ikenberry, Treasurer. 1933 - 1945.

Annuity Funds, Real Estate, Rents Ledger: 1931.

Annuity Funds, Operating Funds and Endowment Trust Real Estate: 1937 - 1943.  Annuity Check or Voucher Register: 1934- June 30, 1944.

Annuity Funds, Real Estate, Rents Ledger: 1931.

Bond Ledger: From at least 1926 - 1939.

Bookstore: Ledger for 1935 - 1937.

Bookstore: Ledger for 1937 - 1939.

Bookstore: Ledger for 1943 - 1944 (looks like the Bookstore?).

Bookstore: Ledger for 1947 - 1948 (looks like the Bookstore?).

Check Register: 1927.

DISBURSEMENTS: 1941 - 1957

Endowment Ledger: 1917 - 1918.

Endowment Trust and Real Estate: 1943 - 1945.

Endowment Funds: 1946 - 1947.


Payrolls: 1947 - 1961.  Including payments to students (Restricted).

Staff Payrolls: 1945 - 1961 (Restricted).

Payrolls, Faculty and Miscellaneous: Jan 1968 - Dec. 1969 (Restricted).

Payroll Summary: 1972 - 1972 (Restricted).

EDIT of STUDENT TIME CARDS: Computer Print Out (orange binder), 1981 through 1984.

Property and Rent Reports: 1926 - 1932 (in one book).


Tuition, general, lab, physical education, piano and typewriter rent, board, room and garage rent and other fees.

1 December 1941 - 1 December 1941 (#4201 - #4250).

1 December 1941 - 5 December 1941 (#4251 through #4300).

5 December 1941 - 16 December 1941 (#4301 through #4350).

15 December 1941 - 5 January 1942  (#4351 through #4399).  Tuition, general, lab, physical education, piano and typewriter rent, board, room and garage rent and other fees.  A receipt book for all students, including Mildred Cordier (see 12-24-1941, receipt No. 4374).

1977- 78 Budget, Dr. Howard A. Book.

1978 - 79 Budget, Robert S. Keller. Includes letters, faculty salary scale and memos from the president.

1979 - 80 Budget, Robert S. Keller.

1980 - 81 Budget, Robert S. Keller.

Winger Memorial Fund, Manchester College Pledges, July 9, 1938 - November 1, 1944.  Winger Memorial Fund, Cash Payments.

MARCH OF PROGRESS:  All of the declarations of Intention and receipts issued to individuals for the March of Progress circa 1960.

FOCUS ON THE SEVENTIES: MASTER FILE LISTING: F.O.S.-1 Final.  (Stored very top of shelf east unit IIS).

FOCUS ON THE SEVENTIES: Alph-order MASTER FILE LISTING & Decl. Number and Names. FY 1977, 1978, 1979. (Stored very top of shelf east unit IIS).

FOCUS ON THE SEVENTIES: F-O-S MASTER FILE LISTING cal. year ending 12-31-78 alpha order. (Stored very top of shelf east unit IIS).

GIFT MASTER FILE LISTING: 12-31-1976, 12-31-1977, 12-31-1979.  (Stored very top of shelf east unit IIS).

FOS-MASTER FILE LISTING:  12/31/1974, 12/31/1975, 12/31/1976. (Stored very top of shelf east unit IIS).

RECEIPTS:  1991 - 1992 (computer print out on top of shelving unit east wall).

ANNUAL GIVING:  July to Date Giving Summary 11/10/86 (computer print out on top of shelving unit east wall).

CASH BOOKS for Classes and Organizations:

Chapel Choir:  1940 - 1941.

Class Cash Books

Class of 1937, 1938, 1939,1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948  Cash Books.

Class of 1949 Cash Book.  "Business for 1945 - 46 for the class of 1949 officially opened January 25, 1946.  On the following pages are the transactions for the school year of 1945 - 46. " Edgar Butterbaugh, Treasurer.

Class of 1950, 1951, 1953, and CLASS OF 1953 Cash Book (Records from December 1949 through January 1950), 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957 Cash Books.

Aurora: 1934 - 1937 Records (one book).

College Quartet (Men's and Women's) for Years:  One book with records for years 1948, 1952, 1953, 1954.

Deputation Work at Manchester College 1945 - 1946: Receipts, expenditures and reports. By Bill Eberly.

Lincoln Adelphia Treasurer's Book: 1939 - 40, Dean Farringer, Treasurer, through 1946 - 1947 (in one book).  1944 - 1945 - 1946 in one note book.

Philalethea Cash Books for Years:  1934 - 1935, 1936 - 1937, 1937 - 1938.

Phronia Lethea: 1937  - 1944 (in one book).

Physics, Sigma Pi Sigma for Years: 1949 - 1950 and 1959 - 1951 (in one book).

Rhetoria - Mathea or Mathea Rhetoria Society: 1939 - 1944 (in one book).  1942 - 1943, receipts 1944 (in one composition book)

Science Club: Minutes and records 1944 - 1948.

Service Fellowship (General Fund, Relief, Work Camps): 1939 - 1940 and 1940 - 1941.

SOCIOLOGY CLUB Cash Book 1952/1953

Tau Kappa Alpha Journal of Finances: 1937 - 1947 (one book) and Record of Minutes ( May 17, 1937 - April 30, 1947) in one book.

Y.M.C.A.: 1930 - 1931.

Women's Glee Club receipt books for 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953.


Deposit Books for The Lawrence National Bank, The Indiana Lawrence Bank and Trust Company, The Union Trust Company.


Date of AccessionUnknown
Archivist Note

Date of Accession: July 2007.

Description prepared 14 July 2007 by Jeanine M. Wine and last updated 30 October 2007 by Jeanine M. Wine. 


Manchester University • 604 E. College Ave., North Manchester, Ind. 46962 • 260-982-5000