In the News

MU students raise funds in response to Paris attacks
Red Cross logoStudents in the Manchester University Department of Modern Languages are responding to the terrible attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 by raising money to make a financial gift to American Red Cross International Services. 

“In a world becoming increasingly dark, we ask for help to preserve the light that remains,” the plea says. 
These donations recognize the specific emergency work of the French Red Cross, whose members were among the first responders treating and evacuating the injured at the scenes of the Paris attacks.  The funds gathered will become a collective donation to help provide immediate international relief and long-term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to those in need.  

Donations of any amount are appropriate and can be made in person by contacting the Manchester University business office or electronically by following this secure link.  Individuals can also help by simply sharing the cause on social media in order to reach a larger audience. 

Donations will be collected through Dec. 4.

Here is a link for more information about Red Cross responses in Paris and Beirut.

Nov. 20, 2015