In the News

“May peace prevail on earth."

Peace Pole Dedication by Bekah Houff, Manchester University pastor on Sept. 16, 2016: 

This peace pole is one of more than 200,000 peace poles around the world in over 180 different countries. Each pole is unique in the languages that are chosen, the design or where it’s placed but this international symbol of peace has the same purpose wherever it stands: to spread the message, “may peace prevail on earth.”

Our peace pole also stands here in the memory of the lives of students and dear friends, BK, Nerad, and Kirubel. May it also stand for family, community, love, understanding, and of course, peace in the Intercultural Center, around this campus and around the world.

As we dedicate this peace pole may we all continue to strive to live our lives in peace with our neighbors. May we be encouraged to speak out when we see injustices and to bring peace where there is no peace. And may this peace pole be a constant reminder to us that WE are the peacemakers. WE are fulfilling the dreams of those who have come before us and paving a way for all who will walk the halls of Manchester after us.

May peace prevail on earth.