Symphony offers Family Fright Night at Manchester University
The Manchester Symphony Orchestra kicks off its 2019-2020 season on Monday of Halloween week with games, an exhibit by local elementary school students and food before the Oct. 28 Family Fright Night concert.
The fun begins at 5 p.m. at Cordier Auditorium on Manchester University’s North Manchester campus. Selected scarecrows and painted pumpkins created by students from Manchester Elementary School will be on display in the lobby, and Manchester University students will assist with activities, including cornhole and face painting.
So that families do not have to worry about fixing dinner, the Art’s Que food truck will be outside Cordier. A second food truck is possible. Food can also be purchased at campus eateries.
General admission to the concert is $15. MU students, staff and faculty get in free, as do youths 18 and younger. The symphony also distributes coupons that enable an adult who accompanies a child to be admitted at no cost.
Tickets are available at www.manchestersymphonyorchestra.com or at the door.
The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. and includes music from Harry Potter movies, Phantom of the Opera, and the ever-spooky Night on Bald Mountain by Mussorgsky.
Symphony members, ushers and volunteers will all be in costume, and those attending are encouraged to join them. There will be a costume parade for children during the concert.
The concert is part of the symphony’s larger effort to engage young people at concerts and in outreach efforts. For example, Manchester University music students will visit the elementary school before the concert to play some excerpts and talk about what makes a piece of music sound scary.
Contacts for the media
- Joanne Case, president of the MSO Board of Directors, at jjgcase@gmail.com
- Dr. Scott Humphries, MSO conductor and Manchester University director of instrumental studies and music education, at CPHumphries@manchester.edu
About Manchester
With campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., Manchester University offers more than 70 areas of academic study to 1,400 students in undergraduate programs,a Master of Accountancy, a Master of Science in pharmacogenomics, a Master of Athletic Training a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy degree and a four-year dual degree in pharmacy and pharmacogenomics. Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at www.manchester.edu.
Our mission
Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.
Values, Ideas and the Arts
This presentation is part of the Values, Ideas and the Arts (VIA) series at Manchester, designed to help students broaden their horizons. Students earn academic credit for attending a variety of presentations.
October 2019