Manchester Symphony Orchestra celebrates 80th year
The Manchester Symphony Orchestra is celebrating its 80th year with a special concert honoring all music educators on Sunday, March 10 at the Honeywell Center in Wabash.
All current or retired music teachers are invited to attend free of charge and to be recognized for their service.
The program adds the numbers in Finlandia, Op. 26 by Jean Sibelius and Piano Concerto, Op. 54 by Robert Schumann to equal the concert name, 80.
The performance begins at 3 p.m. General admission is $15. Admission is free for students 18 and younger, and for Manchester University students, faculty and staff.
The guest pianist will be Wabash resident Dr. Pamela Haynes, assistant professor of music and director of piano studies at Manchester University.
Longtime music instructors Mary and Ruth Berkebile will receive special recognition at the performance. Mary Berkebile is Haynes's former teacher.
Birthday cake and punch will follow the concert. Show night dining is available.
With about 6,000 residents, the northeast Indiana town of North Manchester is among the smallest communities in the nation with its own symphony orchestra.
Residents of Wabash County and what was then Manchester College founded the symphony in 1939. That partnership continues today, with a carefully crafted collaboration of professional and community musicians, along with selected faculty, staff and student musicians. Dr. Scott Humphries, an assistant professor at the University, conducts the symphony.
Midwest Poultry Services sponsors the 80 concert.
The season will conclude Sunday, May 5 with 1812 at 3 p.m. in Cordier Auditorium. The program includes a concerto for two bassoons and orchestra, and Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. An instrument petting zoo will be in the lobby, courtesy of Quinlan & Fabish Music Co.
For tickets or more information: www.manchestersymphonyorchestra.com
About Manchester
Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., is a northeast Indiana leader in health science education. It offers more than 60 areas of academic study to nearly 1,600 students in undergraduate programs, a Master of Science in Pharmacogenomics, a Master of Athletic Training a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy and a four-year dual degree in pharmacy and pharmacogenomics. Learn more about the private, northern Indiana school at www.manchester.edu .
For the media
February 2019