Local farms featured in Manchester exhibit, presentation

Northeast Indiana farms are the focus of an exhibit of oil paintings by Jeff Diesburg, associate professor of art at Manchester University.
He will speak about his art, farming for food, and the sabbatical that led to creation of “Between Rows and Horizons” during a presentation at 11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 20 in Cordier Auditorium at the North Manchester campus of Manchester University.
It is free and open to the public.
His presentation is part of the Values, Ideas and the Arts series, which offers academic enrichment for Manchester students.
The exhibit of “Between Rows and Horizons” is open for viewing during business hours in Gallery G on the second floor of the Jo Young Switzer Center.
Masks are required in all MU buildings.
The scenes come from three farms within a 10-mile radius of each other: Hawkins Farm near North Manchester, the Kindy family at Joyfield Farm east of Liberty Mills, and the Fingerles at RiverRidge Farm in Laketon. These farms grow an array of food crops using primarily human labor and practicing organic methods that build soil quality.
Currently chair of the Art Department at Manchester, Diesburg earned a bachelor’s degree in biological and pre-medical illustration from Iowa State University in 2003 and a Master of Fine Arts in illustration from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2006.
From 2007-09 Jeff and his wife served as Peace Corps volunteers in the rainforests of Panama. He began at Manchester in 2011.
At MU, he teaches a wide range of studio courses including oil painting, figure drawing, graphic design, torchworking and photography.
He has had several solo shows, and his paintings have won awards at regional juried exhibitions. Throughout the summer of 2020, an exhibition of his work was displayed in conjunction with a Smithsonian-curated exhibit at the North Manchester Center for History.
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