Manchester takes on U Can Crush Hunger 2021 challenge
Last year, the community helped Manchester University take first place in the sixth annual U Can Crush Hunger competition.
MU collected 34,670 pounds of food in 2020, and it is asking for your help again this year.
Manchester, Huntington University, Indiana Tech, Indiana University Fort Wayne, Ivy Tech, Purdue Fort Wayne, Trine University and the University of Saint Francis are in a friendly competition to collect 100,000 pounds of food for Community Harvest Food Bank before Nov. 12.
The campaign helps Community Harvest provide meals to thousands of northeast Indiana families, seniors and veterans during the holidays, and it supports food pantries on college campuses for students struggling with food insecurity.
Manchester can take donations in several ways:
Online – Every dollar donated online equals 4 pounds of food. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3H2RHHBKK9GBS- Porch pickup – Flyer with information about collection from North Manchester homes will be distributed Oct. 27. Nonperishable food such as peanut butter, canned meat (chicken, tuna), canned vegetables and canned fruit will be picked up starting at 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 29. If you would like to donate but are unable to put out donations contact serviceengagement@manchester.edu.
- At Monster Mash – Canned goods will be accepted at the Monster Mash Haunted Forest. It is 7:30 to 9:30 Thursday, Oct. 28 in the wooded trails near Schwalm Hall on the Fort Wayne campus.
- MU students are taking part in other #UCanCrush events, including Costume Bingo at the North Manchester campus. The Office of Academic and Student Affairs at the Fort Wayne campus is hosting a canned food sculpture contest during Halloween week. There is also a donation bin in the reception lobby.
The food pantry on the North Manchester campus distributes more than 800 pounds of food a month. There is also a food pantry on the Fort Wayne campus. Some of the food collected during the campaign will stay and help fill the campus pantries.
Items most requested from the Manchester on-campus pantry: - Granola bars
- Fruit juice
- Canned vegetables (with pop tops if possible)
- Canned meats (tuna and chicken, with pop tops if possible)
- Canned fruits (with pop tops if possible)
- Microwaveable foods, such as macaroni and cheese
- Popcorn
- Fruit snacks
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Body soap
- Laundry pods
For the media
Kelsey Gower, associate director of career and service engagement, KNGower@manchester.edu
More about Community Harvest Food Bank: https://www.communityharvest.org/about-us/programs/
More about Manchester University Monster Mash trick-or-treating and Haunted Forest: https://www.manchester.edu/about-manchester/news/news-articles/2021-news-articles/manchester-university-monster-mash-2021-is-oct.-28
Manchester University, with campuses in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., provides vibrant and transformative student experiences. Learn more at www.manchester.edu/about-manchester
Our mission: Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.
October 2021