North Manchester fireworks are July 3 at high school

NORTH MANCHESTER, Ind. – Manchester University, Manchester Community Schools and the town of North Manchester present the 2021 Independence Day Celebration and Fireworks Display at Manchester High School on Saturday, July 3.
The rain date is July 4.
The free celebration kicks off at 7 p.m. with the Manchester Civic Band. Families and individuals are encouraged to come early to find a spot. Lawn chairs or blankets will make viewing more comfortable.
Parking is available at Manchester High School, Manchester Administrative Building and Manchester Recreation Association lots.
The North Manchester Fire Department will light up the sky with fireworks over the high school baseball field about 10 p.m.
“Thanks to the firefighters who volunteer their time to set up and run the show. They do an awesome job every year,” said Alexis Young, Manchester University assistant vice president for facilities and auxiliary operations. Young, Manchester Community Schools Business Manager Jeremy Markham and Town Manager Adam Penrod organized the overall event.
For the safety of guests, no alcohol, sparklers or personal fireworks are permitted.
For the media
Alexis Young, Manchester University:
adyoung@manchester.eduAdam Penrod, North Manchester town manager:
apenrod@nmanchester.orgJeremy Markham, Manchester Community Schools business manager: 2021