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Toward an Interfaith Solidarity for Our Global Crisis

  • Dates: 09 Nov, 2017
Thursday, Nov. 9
3:30 p.m.
Cordier Auditorium

For many decades the three monotheistic faiths have been involved in an interfaith dialogue that stresses religious commonalities and common projects for humanitarian aid and human rights. Though this dialogue has been helpful in overcoming centuries old theological misunderstandings and divisions, the limitations of the interfaith dialogue have become clear. The interfaith dialogue has become stuck in a conservative/liberal paradigm that, often as not, retreats into a new piety that fails to address our increasingly dire political, economic and ecological crisis. Needed today is a new vision of interfaith solidarity, one which addresses the world as it is so as to avert the coming catastrophe and create a path for a new world order. This solidarity will call each of us individually and our communities into new relations with each other and the world. Speaker is Dr. Marc Ellis